*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I'm guessing it has something to do with the model of cards theyre using, 900 series were only built to be dx11 compatible where the 10 series are dx12 compatible? Amd I'm not so sure, I think dx12 was based on early mantle or something, so maybe older amd cards see gains?
Downloaded this last night on the free weekend and looks like it could have some potential for me!

I assume you can effectively play through the storyline in co-op with a friend??
I'm guessing it has something to do with the model of cards theyre using, 900 series were only built to be dx11 compatible where the 10 series are dx12 compatible? Amd I'm not so sure, I think dx12 was based on early mantle or something, so maybe older amd cards see gains?

but then why does my 780 seem to benefit?
5930K @ 4.50GHz

Surprised to see such a boost with that combo!

I'm guessing it has something to do with the model of cards theyre using, 900 series were only built to be dx11 compatible where the 10 series are dx12 compatible? Amd I'm not so sure, I think dx12 was based on early mantle or something, so maybe older amd cards see gains?

Yeah 10xx series are the only cards to have shown any improvement with dx 12/vulkan titles so far, this being the main title with the biggest difference for them.

but then why does my 780 seem to benefit?

It is very odd how you are seeing differences as not even the 9xx cards have proper dx 12 support :confused:
9-series cards are also seeing an improvement. Whatever it is it obviously isnt down to something the 7 and 9 series cards are lacking, ie async compute, it must just be better optimised. ive not seen any increase in framerates on my 970 however i lower my settings to keep the framerate up so i'm probably not pushing the gpu hard enough for it to make much of a difference but it is smoother in dx12 than dx11. Quite happy with it :)
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It is very odd how you are seeing differences as not even the 9xx cards have proper dx 12 support :confused:

It must be an optimisation somewhere along the line. I run high @ 2560x1080

Can't find my benchmarks from the PTS, will try and remember to redo them.
IIRC, there was a mention on improving performance via other methods, even outside dx 12 so yeah perhaps some of the changes in the dx 12 renderer aren't down to things like hardware async (I wonder if this is being used at all, as if it isn't, there is a potential for AMD cards and possibly the 10xx to see an even bigger FPS boost)

It is good that various GPU owners are seeing the benefits with dx 12 in this title though as this means more positive light for showing what benefits low level APIs can bring especially to CPU demanding titles such as this game.
Didnt know there was a free weekend on for this, hopefully i can get it tonight and play tomorrow.. want to try it out

can this be played solo effectively or is there a point where you NEED a team?
Didnt know there was a free weekend on for this, hopefully i can get it tonight and play tomorrow.. want to try it out

can this be played solo effectively or is there a point where you NEED a team?

you can pretty much play solo on every game mode but i have not tried the excursions yet. I mainly spend my time in the DZ farming the land marks and avoiding rogues.
Loving it! Level 6, absolutely loving it. Wish I had taken the plunge on this sooner! I'll continue the free weekend and buy next week.
Didnt know there was a free weekend on for this, hopefully i can get it tonight and play tomorrow.. want to try it out

can this be played solo effectively or is there a point where you NEED a team?

You can play solo, I'm normally running around on my own in the DZ or farming bosses etc. Most of my game play is solo.
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