*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I still have 1 1/2 areas to clear doing the mainline.

Raised the map difficulty to G1 and loot it better. Still no blue (or bettwe) Assault rifle since Level 24!!!!!!!!

If you need a hand doing anything let me know.

ill be on tonight.

not sure if you can go to W5 and be carried for better gear
If you need a hand doing anything let me know.

ill be on tonight.

not sure if you can go to W5 and be carried for better gear

Cheers. However raised the global difficulty and got after awhile some good gear.
Went back to the drop off point, kicked the thugs and got the stuff :D

With a trusty AK47 as always :D
Racked up another ten rogue kills tonight. :) Lots of roguery going on and one guy just kept having a go at me and my mate and someone we sometimes run with tonight, I think we upset him. We must have killed him 5 times between us. He had good kit and was quite a good player as he took a lot to take down and took us down a few times too.
Have to admit there is a lot of nobbish behaviour in the DZ right now. Back shooting, 4 on 1 in lower dz zones, checkpoint camping. Just not cricket! :p

Lot of baiting people to try and get them to go rogue. The amount of people hitting you with one bullet to try and get a reaction.. Then when you don't bite go rogue on you. If you want to go rogue just go rogue..
That PP-19 is decent in the BoO and I rolled off the third talent to get Ferocious, so talents are: Brutal, Destructive and Ferocious. A great gun to go with the D3-FNC build.

I've been waiting for a PP-19 with rolls like that, I would roll the third talent to Predatory and it would be perfect. I have an AUG with Brutal/Destructive/Predatory for my D3-FNC build now but would really like the extra magazine size.

Alas, I can't get on to buy it, so I'll have to hope it comes up again...:(

Have to admit there is a lot of nobbish behaviour in the DZ right now. Back shooting, 4 on 1 in lower dz zones, checkpoint camping. Just not cricket! :p

Lot of baiting people to try and get them to go rogue. The amount of people hitting you with one bullet to try and get a reaction.. Then when you don't bite go rogue on you. If you want to go rogue just go rogue..

Yeah but it is always fun to turn around and floor the guy pushing your buttons haha!!

If we go rogue, we do it! I still love the DZ even though its an unbalanced mess and requires all the talent glitches and buffs lol
Racked up another ten rogue kills tonight. :) Lots of roguery going on and one guy just kept having a go at me and my mate and someone we sometimes run with tonight, I think we upset him. We must have killed him 5 times between us. He had good kit and was quite a good player as he took a lot to take down and took us down a few times too.

That wasn't me was it?! :D

I was teamed with a random and we were extracting when 2 people appeared and tried to hijack our stuff so we shot them. They then came back and killed us and this continued on till I managed to kill them both, grab the loot and then ran to a different extraction zone!
Is it possible to get the higher RPM with the more ammo?

Im finding that everyone in the DZ is able to wipe through npcs like butter while i still take nearly a clip to take some down!

using a Military G36 and can hold 63 bullets in a mag DPS is 337k with tough on 404k

whats the best rifle to use atm? G36 as a 23% armor penetration, cant seem to find anything that comes close to the G36 and used it since UG was added
Is it possible to get the higher RPM with the more ammo?

Im finding that everyone in the DZ is able to wipe through npcs like butter while i still take nearly a clip to take some down!

using a Military G36 and can hold 63 bullets in a mag DPS is 337k with tough on 404k

whats the best rifle to use atm? G36 as a 23% armor penetration, cant seem to find anything that comes close to the G36 and used it since UG was added

Mostly using M4 (M4 Lw is probably best) family AR's,stock 850rpm,with semi decent mag its around 900rpmits hard to beat it,Famas has higher RPM but its recoil makes it hard to control,unless at very close range.
I love M4 LW (lightweight),its very good balance between RPM and control,G36 just lacks that RPM,otherwise its quite good
Mostly using M4 (M4 Lw is probably best) family AR's,stock 850rpm,with semi decent mag its around 900rpmits hard to beat it,Famas has higher RPM but its recoil makes it hard to control,unless at very close range.
I love M4 LW (lightweight),its very good balance between RPM and control,G36 just lacks that RPM,otherwise its quite good

i use the g36 too but i prefer it over the m4/lvoa c as the stability is much better so i can get more constant headshots

in the end its down to personal preference, tried a lot of ARs and the g36/g36c works best for me
I looted a very nice robust chest last week that gives me 250 points more armour over my barretts chest, resulting in 56.4% damage mit. I end up with 54.98% with the barretts. I'm wondering which one I should use:confused:
I looted a very nice robust chest last week that gives me 250 points more armour over my barretts chest, resulting in 56.4% damage mit. I end up with 54.98% with the barretts. I'm wondering which one I should use:confused:

would you even notice the 1.4% difference? i would say the bonus from barretts makes it worth keeping
i use the g36 too but i prefer it over the m4/lvoa c as the stability is much better so i can get more constant headshots

in the end its down to personal preference, tried a lot of ARs and the g36/g36c works best for me

I actually use an Enhanced ACR-E as I find the stability much better than even the G36 I have in my secondary. It does 23%EAD and has 19.1k damage. I've had it for quite a while and still haven't found anything better.
Mostly using M4 (M4 Lw is probably best) family AR's,stock 850rpm,with semi decent mag its around 900rpmits hard to beat it,Famas has higher RPM but its recoil makes it hard to control,unless at very close range.
I love M4 LW (lightweight),its very good balance between RPM and control,G36 just lacks that RPM,otherwise its quite good

I cannot find a M4 to safe my life, i have 2 x famas guns which i haven't tried yet but the base damage on them in much lower than my G36.

G36 base damage is 162k (no mods) and the Famas is around 140K (no mods)

where did you get the M4 from as lately all i do is spend my time in the DZ and i have yet to find a M4 that is near my G36.

I may swap to a Famas regardless of DPS and give it a try in the DZ, i used a mod to give me higher RPM but drops the clip size to 30 from 63 and always re loading lol

On that note is anyone on tonight that needs a hand with anything?

ill run be running through the DZ so if anyone needs a hand feel free to add me (EED209)
I cannot find a M4 to safe my life, i have 2 x famas guns which i haven't tried yet but the base damage on them in much lower than my G36.

G36 base damage is 162k (no mods) and the Famas is around 140K (no mods)

those numbers are DPS not base damage :p
also DPS isnt worth listening to in this game as too many things affect it and higher DPS doesnt mean its a better weapon

just find one you can handle well and then try and get some good talents on it, dont worry about things being higher dps
All my M4 LW's are from LZ bosses/caches,1from spec vendor (at one time i had 27 M4's/LVOAC's)
M4 has few versions - Police M4 is close to Famasdue to crazy recoils,but M4 Lightweight is a very balanced weapons,i dont even need stabilizing mods,its the weapons of choice in DZ atm mostly.
i dunno mario i find the recoil to be pretty wild about 3/4 through a clip using continuous fire, which is fine if your fairly close up
maybe its just me but i pretty much have to burst fire with the m4
Best ar I've come across so far is my current target lvoa-c (deadly, destructive, brutal). Not necessarily the most flat out powerful but with the mods I have on it the recoil is extremely controlled. Got a lightweight m4 but it's fairly weak unfortunately.
i dunno mario i find the recoil to be pretty wild about 3/4 through a clip using continuous fire, which is fine if your fairly close up
maybe its just me but i pretty much have to burst fire with the m4

i dont :D
many,in DZ especially,using stability mods and CHD mods
as wild - well,not for me,its very well balanced between RPM/recoil,no wonder 95% using that M4/LVOAC (they are same family and very similar stats)
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