hit 30 on my alt today and decided to stick a 4 AB 2 striker on it along with my LW m4 and famas
i got to say with the stability from strikers the m4 is much better.. working really well
i dont plan to make it my main as i enjoy the AR/sniper setup more but will keep running the dailies on it
RPM Hack or just me? (watch from 4:10)
Yeah, that could be it then. I think anything less than 440k might not be adequate for PvP but that's just me.
i need to practice my pvp, dont think my stats are too bad but get hosed pretty easy.
was a team of 3 rogues on just now and was quite a fun time baiting them, downed a couple but couldn't get close enough to finish and they just revived each other.
Just come practice with usIm going to be shooting Radeon tonight for a while to test gear lol
Anyone fancy some pvp / dz boss killing tonight? I hope 1.6 isn't far off because I'm running out of things to do.
Anyone fancy some pvp / dz boss killing tonight? I hope 1.6 isn't far off because I'm running out of things to do.