*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

For high survival scores the focus is on kills. a lot of points come from the kills instead of points for coldness/sickness etc.

I might try for a new personal best tonight actually. 2 hours of killing and surviving :D
Safe to say I am extremely hyped about everything I have just read!!

Bravo, bravo!

Legendary mission! So damn happy about that.

Last report coming tonight :D
Nice:D I wonder what the named gear revamp will involve? I better get hoarding.

isnt that covered?


In Update 1.6, Named weapons and gear have been given their very own type – they are now called Exotics. Parts of that change are cosmetic, as they now have their own color coding to make them stand apart from regular High End items both in your inventory and when they drop from enemies. Each of the items have also received flavor and lore text on their item descriptions.

Each Exotic weapon has been given its own unique talent, if it didn’t already have one (the other two talents will be rolled as usual). The Hungry Hog, for example, will now come with the Glutton talent (“Killing a target increases your damage dealt by 20% until you stop firing”) while the Tenebrae will have Lights Out (“Destroying an enemy weak point resets skill cooldowns for you and nearby group members”). This should give the Exotic weapons their own individual personality and hopefully they will all be a lot of fun to use. Note that these talents will not work with the Alphabridge 4-piece bonus. We’re also introducing Exotic weapon sets, where you need to have two specific Exotic weapons equipped to unlock their talent. For example, the Valkyria is actually being split in two – the Hildr and the Eir, whose talents become active and synergize when you have both equipped.

Some stats on these weapons have been changed as a part of their balancing; see the upcoming patch notes for more details on exactly which weapons have been affected and how. All these changes will be retroactive to prevent legacy weapons remaining in the game.

Exotic Caches, that will guarantee an Exotic item, will be available as a weekly reward from Legendary difficulty missions.

Summary of Exotic weapons and new Gear Set

Named gear pieces and weapons are now called Exotics and have been given their own color in your inventory.
Exotic weapons all have their own unique talent. This change is retroactive.
Exotic weapon sets have been introduced.
Exotic Caches are available as a weekly reward from Legendary difficulty missions.
The changes to armour sound interesting. I wonder if it will mean that stamina mods with bonus armour will be less effective than those rolled with +health?
The changes to armour sound interesting. I wonder if it will mean that stamina mods with bonus armour will be less effective than those rolled with +health?

Gear with existing health rolls will change to 'Resist All'
Gear with existing armour rolls will be changed to health
This won't affect mods, just the rolls on the gear but arm will still play a part - but the current major factor being armour mitigation won't be used, instead it'll be health so you can take your toughness at face value.
I know they borked the release a bit on this and they have been far from perfect, but you got to give them credit for all the effort they are continuing to put in.
Wondered how long it would take but here come the microtransactions in 1.6

Starting with cosmetics but can't imagine it'll be too long before it rolls out into other items.
Wondered how long it would take but here come the microtransactions in 1.6

Starting with cosmetics but can't imagine it'll be too long before it rolls out into other items.

If that transfers to gear and weapon etc. items then the game will be dead to me, at least for any PVP action in the future...
They have no intention to do that at present

Will Premium Credits provide a competitive advantage and unbalance the game?

No. We want to preserve a fair game environment and would not allow for players to get any form of competitive advantage based on money they spent on Premium Credits.
The issue would be though that those who do pay for an advantage would be destroying the game. I can't see that happening.
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