So thoughts on the PTS:
***Legendary mode is super fun and super rewarding!! Finished Napalm tonight on Legendary as a 4 man group. Quite difficult but not overly difficult. I think now we know how it goes it will be easier and can start building up the speed. Momo said tonight - "Guys, we are playing a cover based shooter again!" and he was so true! We had our immuniser, smart cover was back, we were gauging when to push and retreat. It was the best fun I have had since 1.3 when we were steamrolling Heroic UG.
***Incursion - very very fun!! My favourite incursion so far! Unfortunately we got repeated deltas and had one right before the boss so decided to stop there. We now know how to do it and I love the fact you are forced into a shield build for a part
***DZ - the new setting is so unbelievably well thought out and detailed! It feels so immersive. Also I don't know if anyone noticed but there are entrances on the east side of DZ8 and 9 that require a LZ jump in - LZ map will be expanded to these bits.
Had a bit of rogue action tonight as well and it seemed fairer. It was still a circle jerk off grenades and hip fire but it was fairer so im happy enough with that lol (not including the negative below)
in addition - there are signs for
Central Park zones in the checkpoints on the west with doors that don't generate the button "F" push yet - I reckon central park expansion there as well.
***Weapons - named weapons are amazing!! I didn't get to test them all tonight as I was too busy playing but I have a full set to play with. Hungry Hog with the Gallant talent is super strong with Meticulous and the Liberator/Centurion combo is amazing also, unique. I also like the caddy for AB, strong but not too strong due to the lower CHC ceiling.
I feel just as strong in terms of damage output and damage taken as I did in 1.5, if not a bit more tanky with my high SP barrets AB build so all in all - very impressed with the new content so far and cant wait to try more
Also, legendary solo will be mine! I want it! lol
Skills like overheal/booster shot etc. A lot of people think they have been nerfed but they haven't, we just have a 100,000 additional boost in health due to removal in armour so its correct how it works. I like it, makes you play smarter.
***SEEKR and Valkiria......PVE fair enough but don't bring that crap to PVP. 12 million DPS and crits for over 3 million? Way to break the game massive, people cant even get in the DZ for a proper look around without getting ganked in one shot.
I really think they need to push an emergency patch and pull the valkeria from the game temporarily until they fix it. I know they said it was broken but wow haha!! It should never have made to the PTS
All in all, what I have tested tonight, and what I have played tonight I have thoroughly enjoyed and I wanted to keep pushing past the deltas to get stuck right back in! The Last Stand I hope will be just as fun and unique.