*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

In fairness to Massive and The Division, the 'get gear, DLC/Patch, get new, better gear' cycle is the same for any loot based game. Borderlands 2 and Destiny are two that immediately spring to mind that are exactly like that.

Indeed that's the essence of a loot game and I also experienced Borderlands 2 that way. It's not for everyone I suppose?

Is there anyone about tomorrow that's also in need of some Lexi runs for the PC?
Same :D

Probably the time they nerf the G36 as well :)

I went and sold my boo aug last night, on purpose though. Even with the nerf the G36 will probably do more damage. Was reluctant to sell it though.

I sold my BoO aug as well! I have a better AR (not g36) already and I will find a mp7 eventually for PVP so I am more than happy at the moment.

I forgot to take screenshots but doesn't matter as I have boosted my tank and DPS builds due to trying to find replacements for the stuff I accidentally sold last night, by running FL and Hero UG all night.

I wouldn't have done that if I didn't sell the stuff so - silver lining and all that :D

Some stuff really ruins this game imo:

1. when you more or less get end game gear, pointless playing any more, especially anything other than DZ 6, heroic incursions

2. if you want certain gear, you just have to farm one mission i.e. striker/sentry, only FL

3. getting 2+ groups running around as a small army, massive need to implement something where if they are all "friends" and one group goes rogue and the other group is within a certain proximity to said group, then that group will also go rogue

Point 1: I am end game gear already. Been at gs255 with a full almost 700k tacticians build and a good DPS build from the end of the first week the patch came out but I still play as I know I can do better.

In addition, I know I still have the new GS to try out like alphabridge/reclaimer.

There is always something better :)

And besides, if you are end game - just go rogue lol!!! Nothing to lose :D that's wha tI did before 1.3.

Point 2: Good I say! Every game type has a chance of dropping everything, but a higher chance of dropping certain stuff.

I have found preds/hunters/alpha on FL and I have also found strikers/tacticians on UG. What other loot based game will give you the same % of drops regardless of mission type? I think this is a good move.

Point 3: I hate this.....I really do and the worst thing is I have done it to get a 8 man rogue steamrolling team into the DZ to destroy the whole place.

I don't even know how they stop it, nor do I know how players consistently do it considering the server allocation is on max cap, whereas the player base is not but you still find full servers all the time.
what gs items from Hard incisions?

ddint realise how much ram this game uses, I have 4GB and it was sitting at 3.8\3.9gb all night so better get some more ram!
I loved the beta but for some reason (Ubisoft) I was expecting the future of the game to be a mess (of course Steam reviews aren't anything, but still...).

What's keeping me on the fence is the realism: while grinding in Borderlands and Destiny is rewarded by unique and weird looking loot, here is just a slightly different "boring" gun.

So given the fact I probably won't enjoy the end game - is the campaign alone good enough to justify a purchase?
I am fast approaching 1000 hours invested in this game with 4 Alts(deleted 4) and so far still enjoying it, despite the bugs, etc,. I come into the game each day with a new goal, achieve a certain level, get new gear and try to improve my Alts builds. Sometimes it's a grind, other times it's just so much fun.
I love the community I play in, a great bunch of lads, always willing to help. Plus, the banter is great, distracts from the monotony.
I try to look at everything I do as a challenge, to improve the way I do things, thus the better I become the more fun I have. I learn from the guys I play with, like what not to do :D, but you pick up tips and tricks.

Is the game perfect, NO. Does it have issues, YES. Is it still fun and enjoyable to play, YES.
I loved the beta but for some reason (Ubisoft) I was expecting the future of the game to be a mess (of course Steam reviews aren't anything, but still...).

What's keeping me on the fence is the realism: while grinding in Borderlands and Destiny is rewarded by unique and weird looking loot, here is just a slightly different "boring" gun.

So given the fact I probably won't enjoy the end game - is the campaign alone good enough to justify a purchase?

I've played the game 8 times, so for the £20 I paid, I have had my monies worth.
This is not BL or Destiny, so why do people need to make comparisons. I have sunk 100's of hours into all 3 BL games and enjoyed everyone. The Division is a totally different game and should be seen as that.
Some stuff really ruins this game imo:

1. when you more or less get end game gear, pointless playing any more, especially anything other than DZ 6, heroic incursions

How often have you gone PVP with end game gear?

2. if you want certain gear, you just have to farm one mission i.e. striker/sentry, only FL

That's good in a way as you are almost guaranteed to get the gearset item you are after. Dark Zone and Underground still drop a variety of 268 items including sentry/striker from crates/supply drops/named boss kills and 240 gear items can drop from Heroic missions.

3. getting 2+ groups running around as a small army, massive need to implement something where if they are all "friends" and one group goes rogue and the other group is within a certain proximity to said group, then that group will also go rogue

We all agree that this needs fixing. Maybe the game has such a low population that it's easy for friends or clans to join the same server instance without disbanding themselves from group and getting other friends in.
See Inline
Done a decent bit of PVP, iirc I have killed 35-40 rogue agents, which should be a lot more if people didn't get the final "beatdown" in before me :p Personally I am not a big fan of the PVP in this game, too many variables to it, not to mention glitches, the most popular one being where you can have explosive + inced. at the same time....

Yes it is good in a way as you know what to play to get certain items but at the same time, take myself for example, I only want sentry/tact/striker stuff likewise for Josh and Tony iirc, so we/I have no option but to play the most boring incursion there is. How many people bother with HVT's because of it being sponsored by lonestar now, I think the only reason people do it is for the credits? And that leads me onto the needing intel stuff to do that + some underground stuff, I don't mind grind but there comes a point where you just have too much just for the sake of it.... They need to make it a bit different/more fun each time rather than doing the exact same mission over and over again a bit like what they did with underground where the missions are always slightly different. In my experience, the majority of drops in underground are firecrest and most of the weapon drops are x45 pistols..... :(

Yup, it is no fun the DZ atm, last night, tony, josh and I where trying to farm the dz 6 but the landmarks were just going down instantly due to 2+ groups with the fire/explosive bullet exploit + when we went to extract, they came to our extraction, chances are if we didn't die by the NPCs first, they would have gone rogue on us.

Don't get me wrong, the game is great especially the journey to rank 30, iirc, I have 300 hours from it so have definitely got my moneys worth from it but some of massive's decisions are just mind boggling at times by making it even more grindy with certain changes and with the continually shrinking player base, I am concerned about future DLC content now.
I would appreciate getting some help in getting 268 Reclaimer pieces from the UG. Other than the odd bit I have no 1.3 gear whatsoever and running HM doesn't get me anywhere. My hope was getting the build done this weekend however it will be two weeks later due to work and the absence of pieces.
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Current loadouts:

Strikers (no savage as I sold them - the ones I had were crap it turns out)



Also got to UG rank 40 this morning and got the blind vanity items - very nice :)

Final thing to get is alphabridge and I am set!
DPS strikers is fun to use
Tanktician for support
Reclaimer for support with damage.

Having the latter two in the team makes heroic easy, which is why I have them :) Its easy to find DPS players, harder to find support
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