*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

You can pootle about at your own pace and play the whole thing solo if you wish. Matchmaking with randoms for missions once you hit level 30 might be an idea, as you get more loot (and more bullets going the opposite direction), but even those can be solo'd once you're geared-up enough.

Plenty of advice to be had on here or on YT for build guides etc (different skills and not-really-classes that can be specced into, depending on how you like to play).

No subscription, just buy the game, and there is an optional DLC season pass. Play the base game first though before you decide.

Will run great on your system.
Thanks for quick response Ryan0r, just purchased for under £14 and ill hold off the season pass till i decide if i like it.
While im downloading is there any good yt videos you could recommend for build guides. I dont know how this game plays but in similar games ive always like to play a support role in teams like giving ammo or maybe the healer. Obviously dont know what weapons will be like but i guess ill want short to medium range for a support role as ill be glued to team members.

Is there a clan i could join or buddy up with you guys.

Uplay name neobakes
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There is a Discord channel (a free voice comms program, someone will be along shortly with a link for that) you can join and use for general chit chat, advice, and teaming up.

There's plenty on YouTube, but to be honest, play the story first. You'll level up from 1-30, picking up different gear and weapons on the way. In using those, you'll get a feel for what you like and don't like, as well as slowly unlocking all the skills.

So you can test being an ammo-dealing medic, or run-and-gun tank, or turret-using pyromaniac - there's something for everyone. You'll find something you like after having a play with all the combinations, and there are many. Once you're at level 30 you can then think about further refining and optimising your build, which is where this thread and YT will come in handy.
yeah best thing to do is level up fully first as the build guides are useless to you until you hit 30

just make sure you grab the first aid skill and upgrade it as that will be your primary heal
play around with the other skills to find what suits you like the turret or seeker mines etc

lastly dont be tempted to rush through to lvl 30, take your time and enjoy the game - you will learn a lot more that way too :D
lvl 1 - lvl 30 is probably best PvE this game can offer,but dont forget PvP at lvl 13-14 - thats where best PvP are without OP skills,OP sets etc,you can learn some nice tricks in PvP ;)
Besides,DZ rank is way easier to level up early
Played about an hour managed to get to level 4. Matchmaking right at the start, found the enemies harder but I guess that's what happens else it would be easy. Runs on ultra very smoothly and very early impressions but it seems alright.
Played about an hour managed to get to level 4. Matchmaking right at the start, found the enemies harder but I guess that's what happens else it would be easy. Runs on ultra very smoothly and very early impressions but it seems alright.

Welcome to the Division:)
I managed to clear Hudson Refugee and Lex challenging on the PTS with minimal changes to my current 1.5 HE build. I had to roll health on everything that can take it, coming in just under 400k toughness. With tweaks to mods I could get this to 400k. With the nerf to seeker and flame turrets the ability to damage and control the mobs is quite difficult. The roof section of Lex took me around 12 attempts to clear. The sniper takes me down to 1 bar and then being anywhere near an explosion at the same time would wipe me out. TTK was Ok but TTBK seems much shorter.

Build details:

Robust chest, stamina, health, EAD
Enduring mask, stamina, EAD, DtoE
Accomplished knees, stamina, health, blind/deaf, DtoE, Kill XP
Relentless pack, firearms, health, disrupt resistance
Skulls gloves, electronics, crit chance, AR, EAD
Nimble holster (1271/1263/1234), health

Firearms 4348 ( 270869)
Stamina 6567 ( 399,533)
Electronics 3813 (114390)

Custom P416 AR - Destructive, Predatory, Ferocious (my version of a god roll) +22% EAD
Flame turret, 2091 damage, 48 second cool down
Cluster Seeker 15,591 hp 49 sec cool down


Strike Back - brings the skills back quicker when needed
Tech Support - extends the skills ( did work well for turret, but now...)
Tac Advance - I spend a lot of time in cover with Robust and Nimble, so it works well for extra damage
Chain Reaction- more explosive damage, more healing through relentless , plus controls the mobs better

Armour mitigation 31.2%
DtoE +35%
EAD + 57%

I really noticed the lack of punch in the turret and seekers, it was easier to be overwhelmed especially on the roof of Lex and the balcony in Hudson.

I thought I was playing the version of the game Massive wants us to play - I spend a lot of time in cover and shoot a lot - but the changes have just made it more difficult. The latest I read is that because everyone is spamming Nimble in Last Stand now, it is the next likely to be nerfed.

Nobody cared about Nimble, even after it was fixed in 1.4. Now because of one you tuber who used it to revive from death ( I must say, that's never happened for me) it's going to be nerfed. None of my PVE opponents have ever complained about me using Nimble.

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only got this game at 1.5.. whats their history like with these updates?
ideally it would get balanced out so that ARs arent the only thing worth using
only got this game at 1.5.. whats their history like with these updates?
ideally it would get balanced out so that ARs arent the only thing worth using

It keeps changing,depending on "meta" - 1.0-1.1 was SMG's,1.2-1.3 was M1A's/LMG's (i think it was like that),now AR's
Not to mention that after each big update and GS change you need to farm for new gear,thats the loot game for you.
1.6 is a big update with DLC..

Its not even DLC tbh (depending how you see DLC - after Witcher 3 anything smaller should not be considerd as DLC) - just same DZ with BF style mode,new Incursion and...thats about it.Legendary mode for missions we already did million times.
For season pass holders Y1 was very poor value,they could have done so much better,but they were to busy listening some YT'bers and nerfing everything.
Oh-and another stats change on our gear :D
its part of the season pass (last stand part of 1.6) so kinda is :)

anyway point still stands, they've openly said they wont be increasing the GS unless the game really needs it.
its part of the season pass (last stand part of 1.6) so kinda is :)

anyway point still stands, they've openly said they wont be increasing the GS unless the game really needs it.

It doesnt matter if its part of Season Pass - i talked about quality of DLC,you can add some crap vanity items and still call it DLC (thats exactly what it is in Last Stand actually).
As some well known dataminers already proved,they will runt into this problem (GS increase) sooner than later,they just wanted to look good in the eyes by not increasing GS for 1.6,simply because there is no point to increase it,there is no new sets/no new proper PvE content etc.
ETF 2 was a disaster with people like LikeButter
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I managed to clear Hudson Refugee and Lex challenging on the PTS with minimal changes to my current 1.5 HE build. I had to roll health on everything that can take it, coming in just under 400k toughness. With tweaks to mods I could get this to 400k. With the nerf to seeker and flame turrets the ability to damage and control the mobs is quite difficult. The roof section of Lex took me around 12 attempts to clear.

Maybe im not as rubbish as i thought :p

I did Lex challenging last night, i died once in the offices near the beginning because i wasnt paying attention, but cleared the roof without going down. Managed to clear the end section after 3 attempts. Barrett was easy enough, one clip (G36C) after a water boost. stats are something like 330k/400k/120k AB build.
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