*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

any tips on getting a better score other than killing more enemies? or is that pretty much the way to do it?

Managing your coldness/sickness/hunger/thirst rating as well as extracting with items that go towards that - ie medicine/food/medkits etc
Gear Score - higher the GS, higher the score reward - gs163 is highest
Crafting flare gun and collecting anti virals
Extracting first
Time spent - longer is better and draws out the rating % byproxy making them higher than say the same management of thirst etc over a 30 minute run.
And then enemies killed.

Out of all that, I would say time spent, gearscore and enemies bring the highest points.

And points DO get turned into prizes as there is a threshold for additional survival caches (i dont know what that is though)

2 man group is probably the easiest way to help boost up scores, can hit more quicker
Highest PVE survival score is 16k I think. I've never done a PVP round of survival!

Agree that two man seems to work the best. Can split up but still remain relatively close by in case of trouble or join up for bosses.
didnt know about more points for extracting with food etc or about time-spent tbh

good tips though, will surely help me reach 10k for the achievement anyway lol

and while i know a 2 man team would be so much better/easier i still prefer solo.. i like to go at my own pace and do my own thing
how does looting work with a team btw? do you each get something from looting a bag etc or is it the same as solo so you would need to gear your whole team?
Highest PVE survival score is 16k I think. I've never done a PVP round of survival!

Agree that two man seems to work the best. Can split up but still remain relatively close by in case of trouble or join up for bosses.

PVP survival is basically a pistol duo at the start followed by a looooooong PVE session, then a possible extraction to **** up :D its so fun man, i have a clip on my twitch, will try find it later but shows the mayhem of PVP surrounded by hunters

didnt know about more points for extracting with food etc or about time-spent tbh

good tips though, will surely help me reach 10k for the achievement anyway lol

and while i know a 2 man team would be so much better/easier i still prefer solo.. i like to go at my own pace and do my own thing
how does looting work with a team btw? do you each get something from looting a bag etc or is it the same as solo so you would need to gear your whole team?

In safehouses the loot is per team member like painkillers and so on, but outside of that it is a single drop that you need to decide between you who gets it.

Generally when it comes to drops like gear/weapons - whoever is closest picks it up as its all shareable - same as food/water and so on. The only thing we mainly try to divide as we go is crafting resources as its harder to share them.

It is super fun, I like solo survival as well, but end up getting bored and speedrunning it lol I cant spend 2 hours on my own anymore in survival haha
Getting in to Last Stand but Geeeez lol, every man and his dog is running seeker mines. A well equipped skill player basically wipes me out with one :(

I am enjoying it though and a good blast.
PVP survival is basically a pistol duo at the start followed by a looooooong PVE session, then a possible extraction to **** up :D its so fun man, i have a clip on my twitch, will try find it later but shows the mayhem of PVP surrounded by hunters

In safehouses the loot is per team member like painkillers and so on, but outside of that it is a single drop that you need to decide between you who gets it.

Generally when it comes to drops like gear/weapons - whoever is closest picks it up as its all shareable - same as food/water and so on. The only thing we mainly try to divide as we go is crafting resources as its harder to share them.

It is super fun, I like solo survival as well, but end up getting bored and speedrunning it lol I cant spend 2 hours on my own anymore in survival haha

i dont think i could spend 2 hours in survival with or without a team lol.. it isnt really boring but 1 hour is enough :p

@Gregster try stacking EDR you will take a lot less damage from them
Getting in to Last Stand but Geeeez lol, every man and his dog is running seeker mines. A well equipped skill player basically wipes me out with one :(

I am enjoying it though and a good blast.

i dont think i could spend 2 hours in survival with or without a team lol.. it isnt really boring but 1 hour is enough :p

@Gregster try stacking EDR you will take a lot less damage from them

yeah man, roll 1 piece to EDR and you will survive but have low health so I rolled chest and mask to EDR instead of EAD and the seekers are fine now. Only get me if im not paying attention :)

Let those seeker noobs run them all they want and whack on immuniser as well if you want as well :D :D sorry @Radeon85 haha!!
damn just finished a survival weekly and got another bliss holster...
i think the only thing worthwhile i got from them so far is shortbow knees

really want showstopper/warlord/hungry hog
damn just finished a survival weekly and got another bliss holster...
i think the only thing worthwhile i got from them so far is shortbow knees

really want showstopper/warlord/hungry hog

Got showstopper and Warlord earlier this week :P I'm also on the hunt for a Hungry Hog but have got 2 MDRs instead recently.
Not played in an age. Reading through the last few pages it almost sounds like a new game!! Really must pencil in some time to get back into this.
anyone having trouble with the new ISAC mission, there is a locker near where the rewards vendor used to be.. just outside the med wing
open the locker to complete the mission
I've seen a few people running around with a main weapon equipt when holding the shield. Reading up on it, it seems there was a bug last year, has that exploit come back?
anyone having trouble with the new ISAC mission, there is a locker near where the rewards vendor used to be.. just outside the med wing
open the locker to complete the mission

i have seen a few people report that. I think i saw a thread on reddit.
I think that was a good SOTG. They confirmed:

*Last week was not a Y2 announcement, they assumed what they talked about was interesting for people to know what was coming in Y2 as a lot were asking for those things - but they didn't consider people would think it was a Y2 announcement. Naïve on their point, but it means they need to act quick on getting us an actual Y2 announcement soon
*Medkit investigation - good!
*Next ETF will be brought in earlier than usual so their feedback can have an impact on pre production work instead of them being past the deadline of pushing patches - good move
*Lots of revive bugs today
*They are looking into stagger and airburst seekers
*Next few SOTG's will bring more information on Y2

Main point of this SOTG - was them apologising and stating over and over not to consider last week was not a y2 announcement.

Lets see what they come out with.
How did they not think that we would take last week as a Y2 announcement?

That's as silly as realising just last week that we wanted more storyline content...

Let's see if they actually have something or are now scrambling to see what they can pull together. In any mention of Y2 content, why wouldn't they lead with their strongest pitch?

How did they not think that we would take last week as a Y2 announcement?

Exactly, maybe my memory is hazy or I misheard but I seem to remember that during last weeks SOTG after they did the back patting for Y1 they said words to the effect of 'here's what's coming in Y2'

I sure hope they do come up with something better than they announced for Y2 because that SOTG pretty much killed my interest in the game going forward :(
Just noticed the sale. Im looking at getting Survival. Its the only one that really appeals to me, coop vs enviroment. The others seem to be all pvp.
Would i benefit getting the season pass, being a pve player far more than pvp?

Will getting the season pass get me more dlc in the future? Or does that only include the three current dlc's?
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