*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

When you play this game long enough, you find NPCs spawn more randomly than they used to. It may be, you was in an area at the exact time they were due to respawn. It's not unusual for NPCs to spawn whilst doing HVT weekly or daily missions, makes it a little more interesting.
Should rename this thread "Rroff's Division Daily Diary". :p

Hah I only post about 1% of the things I could post :s

And another bug that is severely ******* me off. You're doing daily or weekly missions, HVT missions or just running about the city and enemies appear out of nowhere. For example, just five minutes ago I was wasting time cleaning up some of the things on the map I haven't done yet, like finding all the drones, phone calls and agent traces etc. etc., when I happened upon a group of three enemies. They spotted me and started shooting, usually larger groups than that don't bother me so I ducked behind cover and started to return fire. Then, out of nowhere and just like the shopkeeper in Mr Benn, about five or six enemies just appeared right on top of me, and I literally mean on top of me - they annihilated me before I knew what had happened.

This isn't the first time this has happened either. It's quite a common occurrence.

Probably one of the LZ boss groups - they are a bit glitchy spawn wise sometimes and more powerful than the normal reds - I died to them a couple of times before realising they existed in the game when I first started playing.
Not had any Deltas so far - servers feel like they are running at 5 FPS at times and/or getting bursts of skill lag or skills getting stuck in a state but generally has been OK.

Amusing/frustrating how many people can't seem to work out how to do the last bit in Dragon's Nest though despite in many cases having commendation scores well above mine so ostensibly should know the game better than I do (assuming not bought account, etc.).
Which boxes are you opening? I've been getting loads of classified drops - which is typical as I don't really need them any more.
The global events vendor boxes for each of the classified sets (3000 GE credits) should be a guaranteed drop - don't bother with the superior cache from the vendor if you want classifieds. Also the classified cache at 2500 phoenix credits from the special equipment vendor should be a guaranteed drop.
LOL just ran the last room in Dragons Nest with classified Reclaimer + Caduceus and 2 other people running the same setup so I stuck pulse on instead of defib - the incoming healing was ridiculous.
been playing this a bit more lately, managed to get alpha and a tact classy set, looking forward to the next GE gonna try to get my strikers done. managed to find a house too:)
LOL was on a good team doing Pier 93 - absolutely rampaging through it... chat started going a bit odd and then "server unreachable" errors scrolling down the screen followed by being kicked to the exit but showing the rest of the team still inside the map LOL.

Was a turkey shoot - with all the bonuses we had going one guy was getting 1.3million damage hits with the Urban MDR and almost constant flashbangs outgoing heh - my reclaimer support station was pretty much doing ammo duty only.

Looks like the Ubi backend is struggling a bit the last couple of days.
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Yeah, last couple of days I've noticed that had the "Poor connection to server host" message sat in the bottom-left of my screen. My internet is OK and works just fine everywhere else.
Yeah, last couple of days I've noticed that had the "Poor connection to server host" message sat in the bottom-left of my screen. My internet is OK and works just fine everywhere else.

I seem to get super laggy (not sure if it happens to everyone but seen others complain) above level 20 in resistance so might be related to that though last few nights the servers seem to have been a bit problematic - had a couple of deltas as well as intermittent skill lag, etc. and some issues with syncing with uplay.
was thinking if its only me getting lags lately,now i see why.
seems Ubi leaving Div literally on tiny health line as Div 2 is not really that far,and beta starts in beginning of 2019
still playing,especially Survival
They really should have made the main game much more around the survival style (though not quite as hardcore as I'm rarely in the mood for applying myself to that degree).
Why can't the developers of this game roll with the punches so to speak? - employ a more agile approach - for instance inventory space is an often complained about negative of the game - so why not compound that by doing a double field proficiency cache weekend and instead of just increase the number of items inside the cache and/or just increase the chances of a bonus drop in the cache, etc. nope increase the number of caches people receive taking up double the inventory space each time...
Speaking of inventory, I still don't understand why the storage box is only a few items larger than your backpack. I mean, if your backpack can carry 120 items, then surely the huge static box should be at least four times that.

And it still ****** me off that enemies can shoot through cover such as wooden hoardings and the like, yet if they hide behind the same you can't shoot through them.
Got to wave 28 on Pier 93 - we'd move into the bottom end of the showroom part - suddenly realised there was a solid line of snipers wall to wall at the other end LOL. Fortunately plenty of cover but that hurt and was really random.

Sadly failed a couple of waves after that when something went a bit odd with shock and whole team got permanently stuck in place for about 20 seconds or so :( been having a lot of odd glitches starting after the emergency reboot they did a few days ago - especially performance mods randomly stop giving bonuses to support stations (range, healing amount, etc.) failed reloads, and stuff like that.

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