*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

LOL just had a weird bug - last room on WarrenGate - I'd been trying to revive a player and got to about 90% done then another team mate threw a defib heal reviving him - I ran off across the room and about 5 seconds later the same player went down again and instantly my character went into a revive animation, despite being around 15m away, that I couldn't break out of and revived the other player from right across the room heh.
Finally managed to complete a run of Stolen Signal heroic... one of the players on the team just seemed to magically pull all the damage from the minigun onto him somehow (like whereever he was standing it was shooting at him instead of the hostage) which offset the problem I usually have on there where me just being there seems to cause damage to be applied to the hostage no matter how many people stand in the way :( Sadly I was little more than a sideshow - though playing maxed out reclaimer the other 3 players who seemed to have it nailed could play more aggressively so we completed it ridiculously quick.

On another note the Advanced Weaponry vendor in the BoO has the M700 Carbon with so-so talents if anyone hasn't got one already.
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Was about to congratulate you as expected it was a solo effort, until I read on :D

Usually when I try it in the last room with the hostages and the minigun the damage just ignores any shields, etc. and is applied straight to the hostages - this time it seemed to have bugged out in my favour and was always applied to one of the players on my team instead - which made it far easier - we literally blitzed that room so fast it was crazy.

Its really weird coz I never get the bugs that quite a few complain of like the green fire on Dragon's Nest despite running it over and over but SS always bugs out for me without fail.

EDIT: Expect I could do it solo on challenging if it didn't bug out but heroic not a chance.
OK, does anyone know how to enter the Survival mode? After I've chosen my preferences and hit play in the Terminal the 'matchmaking' wheel just sits there spinning but nothing happens. I even left for over an hour earlier and still nothing happened.
Should select pve/pvp and it should be putting you in, in minutes at most. Tried restarting the game and launcher? I've never had it on 1 hour.
Survival has been a bit problematic since they did the shield with some people struggling to get a working game.

I've generally had to wait quite a long time to get in - usually giving up after about 15-20 mins if it hasn't launched by then.
LOL not quite sure what happened but was doing General Assembly legendary - swapped to D3 for the boss wave and noticed one of my teammates was shield bashing the hunter so I started shield bashing it as well and then the other two players (not using shields) started meleeing the hunter as well - suddenly it dropped through its health and died in about 2 seconds flat. Not quite sure what happened as no one was shooting at it and the melee damage is really low.
jumping in for the free weekend limited to 6 hours playtime :S, game has no jump mechanic wow lol feels really weird

Normally not something I'm a fan of but the cover/climb system works pretty well and largely replaces the need for it (though some recentish changes have detracted from the implementation annoyingly as it was one of the few games that does it well).
Still hoping they fix the damn stealth and cover mechanics in D2. I ******* hate how enemies are able to see and shoot at you despite you being well hidden behind cover and them having no idea as to where you are. Shoot one with a suppressed sniper rifle from long range and all his buddies instantly start shooting at you, and to make matters worse they can hit you from that distance with pistols and shotguns too.
Still hoping they fix the damn stealth and cover mechanics in D2. I ******* hate how enemies are able to see and shoot at you despite you being well hidden behind cover and them having no idea as to where you are. Shoot one with a suppressed sniper rifle from long range and all his buddies instantly start shooting at you, and to make matters worse they can hit you from that distance with pistols and shotguns too.

Yeah :( I almost think someone is trolling with the threat mechanics as with my skill builds I draw less aggro with a muzzle break than the lowest threat level suppressors! super annoying when someone else out in the open wakes the NPCs up but they all come charging at you while you are deep in cover.

Does frustrate me how much untapped potential and/or things that wouldn't take much to fix that is this game.
LOL I just realised the movement cap works off how long you hold down the sprint key not how long you are actually sprinting/based on movement so even if you are stood still holding the key you hit the cap (no wonder it is so whacked sometimes) - whoever is maintaining the programming at this point really should hang their head in shame.
Fortunately I don't run into that one very often - sometimes you get an NPC run off while still technically engaged in combat with you which is a bit annoying.

One that seems to have gone crazy since the 1.8.3 update is NPCs running back behind doors they've spawned from and becoming sometimes impossible to damage or get to come back out again - I had maybe 3 instances in months of playing before the patch now I get like 3 instances a day especially on WarrenGate (where fortunately you can usually drop Seekers in behind and they eventually reach them) and some of the HVT locations.
And another bug that is severely ******* me off. You're doing daily or weekly missions, HVT missions or just running about the city and enemies appear out of nowhere. For example, just five minutes ago I was wasting time cleaning up some of the things on the map I haven't done yet, like finding all the drones, phone calls and agent traces etc. etc., when I happened upon a group of three enemies. They spotted me and started shooting, usually larger groups than that don't bother me so I ducked behind cover and started to return fire. Then, out of nowhere and just like the shopkeeper in Mr Benn, about five or six enemies just appeared right on top of me, and I literally mean on top of me - they annihilated me before I knew what had happened.

This isn't the first time this has happened either. It's quite a common occurrence.
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