*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Thought I would carry on getting my shields and decided on Survivor, as it is something that I had done many times before with no issues.... Damn I suck now lol. Not completed it once out of roughly 10 tries. I will get there but I don't remember it being this hard lol.
Have to say I've not really persisted with survivor mode - I mean it isn't easy but the progression to build up the knowledge to do it just doesn't interest me.

Trying to find a good team for Pier 93 is driving me up the wall tonight LOL - first group were all talking like they knew what they were doing and laying down the law but opening the doors far too early, second team had two people running around the map like headless chickens so myself and the reclaimer left, 3rd group had another guy that was ignoring all chat and running around the map pulling the spawns on him despite the 3 of us in a good position and trying to get his attention in like 4 different languages :( and so on not to mention the people who kill the boss immediately on spawn or start securing the objective straight away, etc. :( even after asking them not to (and not just a language barrier).

EDIT: I suspect there are some high level players who wince at me if I'm on their team LOL but I do atleast try and listen to what people say if they demonstrate they know what they are doing :s
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@Greg - if you need lil bit of help,im usually on evenings or weekends (depending how many hours i worked and if im alive)
95% of my play time in Div is only Survival while waiting for Div 2 Beta
Just had a weird experience on Pier 93 wave 18 just constant wall to wall rushers - I mean literally packed wall to wall all long the corridor and around the corner as revealed by the pulse and just kept on coming literally like 5 of them spawning at the back of the queue every second to replace the ones that died - never seen it like that before I guess something broke.
Anyone had contamination and EMP (I'm assuming due to hunters) on the same wave on resistance before? a first for me especially as my skills were all desync'd making it pretty hard to tell what was going on.
LOL - so before Stolen Signal was bugged so that however I positioned myself with a shield it would still damage the hostages in the final room - now I'm getting the opposite aslong as I'm in the general vicinity of the hostage the minigun shoots at my shield and never touches the hostage even if I'm not inline - I'd seen people this happened to before and assumed they were using some kind of glitch or cheat.
I know some of this is covered elsewhere/common sense but some observations from playing resistance a bit which people seem to really struggle with for some reason:

  • If NPCs spawn and attack you outside the resistance area at the start kill them before going into the resistance area so people can change loadouts between rounds (if a team doesn't do it just leave as it will only get worse).
  • Scanner waves you only need to start securing the laptop within the timer - aslong as someone is continuously in range once you have started securing it the round won't fail when the timer expires (even a dead player will secure it for quite some time).
  • Don't open the initial door out of the first room on the first scanner wave until 60 seconds left - with Survivor Link you can leave it as late as 40-45 seconds
    this makes it easier to farm the additional easy respawning NPCs that come from maxing out the timer - giving a lot of easy SHD early on.
  • First boss wave don't kill the boss until atleast 60 seconds left - lower if possible - as above this means you can farm additional respawning easy NPCs for extra SHD. Later boss waves this won't be so easy to do unless the team is coordinating well.
  • Flashbangs are by far the best form of crowd control, don't use seekers especially gas as this tends to result in the NPCs running off (unless you need to chase some off due to being overwhelmed).
  • Don't chase down NPCs especially if they are working as a squad as they will just run back away from you - dropping back 20m or so especially if you can get around a corner will result in them teleporting nearer to you and is usually much quicker if everyone does it than random players running around trying to chase backing off NPCs down.
  • Don't spread out chasing NPCs around the map - each of the resistance areas have a corridor somewhere you can force the NPCs to come at you down a bottleneck making it much easier - the experienced players will run to this spot after wave 4 or 5.
  • If the NPCs, especially bosses or hunters, have setup with their medic boxes out of easy reach of being popped drop back a bit to pull them away from their box rather than trying desperately to DPS through the healing - works especially well if you can fall back around a corner and setup there.
  • Likewise on boss waves if the timer is running down and you are barely denting them don't just sit there persisting with the same failed strategy with 2 minutes or less on the clock - it ain't working change it up - run back a bit to get them out of range of their support stations.
  • At the end of waves where people are out of position i.e. scanner waves leave one NPC alive so as to gather SHD drops and regroup - especially if the next wave is a contamination one.
  • On contamination waves if someone dies they can't be revived and won't go into a downed state - be prepared to use your recovery or survivor link pre-emptively as someone gets very low on health.
  • Don't open doors for the sake of it - as this often just gives the NPCs extra angles to attack you from.
  • For harder scanner waves it is often better for 1 person with a strong support station (with immunizer) to secure the laptop while the rest try and hold down the NPCs at a bottleneck - killing them as slowly as you can so they don't respawn on the person securing rather than having the whole team in the open being attacked from all sides. This can also work the other way around if one player has a particularly good setup/level of skill and can hold most of the NPCs in one area while the rest secure the laptop.

I'll add some other stuff if/when I remember it.
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Thanks Rroff, good advice.
Never really got into Resistance, might give it a go just to change things up. Its getting stale now and I’m finding I’m in game less often and for shorter periods these days.

I don't really like Resistance but I do like coop teamplay and if you get a team that knows how to do it, rather than how the devs envisioned it, can be a blast - but when you know how to run them effectively it is super annoying if some random player doesn't and makes it harder/impossible for everyone hah.

You now have access to download the Alpha in your Uplay PC Library

Woohoo :)
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