The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Reckon their using the ID5 Tech now they own ID :D They should redo Fallout3 in it & release for free to registered F3 owners as a goodwill gesture then we can beta test it for them (will never happen though!!).
I don`t think I can take any more of that ***** old engine they have been (ab)using since forever. The visuals of New Vegas make my eyes bleed and killed all my interest in future Bethesda games for the time being. They own some pretty bad ass tech(the engine used in Rage by ID) maybe they should use it?
Reckon their using the ID5 Tech now they own ID :D They should redo Fallout3 in it & release for free to registered F3 owners as a goodwill gesture then we can beta test it for them (will never happen though!!).

it's not finished though, and no where near finished enough to push out a full TES game out in under 11 months especially only 2 months after the launch title.

They should redo Fallout3 in it & release for free to registered F3 owners as a goodwill gesture then we can beta test it for them (will never happen though!!).

Of course it would never happen as it would take months possibly a years worth of work costing millions :confused:
Not according to the above posted Tweet - hope it's true!

"Howard wouldn't be drawn on many details about the game, but said the technology was derived from the engine that powered Fallout 3, albeit with significant modifications.

"Fallout 3 technically does a lot more than Oblivion. The new stuff is an even bigger jump from that," he said."

unless they've redone the game in a new engine since the trailer....
So, Who is going to start an *official* thread so we can keep track of links to screenshots, confirmed information, etc etc in the opening post?
Apparently they've made a whole new engine for TES: Skyrim so i'm pretty much mega excited to see what they have come up with! :D

You didn't read any of the thread or the quotes did you?
They haven't made a new engine, they've improved the 6 year old one.

Problem is, each time they've improved the engie they've dumped reliability and introduced bugs.

WHats the betting TES5 works best after patch 3; 4 months after release.
Nope but i did read this which seems to be on a lot of gaming websites about the game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim uses brand new engine
XMNR: Speculation about The Elders Scroll V: Skyrim has been running rampant since the teaser traileras shown at the Spike VGAs and the teaser site went live soon after. We know one thing for certain though, the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 game from Bethesda Softworks won't be built on the same game engine as any previous games.
Hmm, lots of different information. I really hope its a new engine, but I have a feeling us PC players will be held back by consoles.
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