How does a wife/husband in them make them have more point? They're effectively just another piece of decoration. I can't exactly see it not feeling out-of-place.
You say it is pointless, but doesn't having that feature there give something to the community when they come to improve upon the game? Having the mechanic for a relationship/marriage means that they can expand, improve or hell remove it if it's crap. I like to see these things added, it provides a little more depth to the world other than "Do quests, level up, kill boss, end".
The game's true value will come in time with the community, but I am all for the adding of these features which hopefully one day will not simply be 'fluff' or an added nicety, but be integral to the plot with your actions in your relationship having an important effect on the main game.
You can choose not to have a spouse, so you can continue on with your nice empty house and spending the game talking to yourself not making any kind of relationship/impact on the world other than your sword/axe.
And those who do choose to pursue it will continue on with their houses, with added realism, making a connection to the game world, even if it is only in story/in the mind.
I highly doubt that the omission of this feature would sort out the rest of the bugs that are likely to be present.