The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Alchemy is by far the easiest money earner, since you can pick up sackfuls of ingredients for free.

It's easy to make potions that sell for 300-500 gold each from stuff you pick up whilst you're out and about. Soon you'll have more than you can sell because all the merchants run out of gold.

You can make a lot of money enchanting as well if you find the banish enchant. If you ever see a weapon with banish on it (usually named something... of expelling) buy it and disenchant it. You can sell iron daggers with this enchant for 800 or so using a petty soul gem.
Level 61 and I have well over 100,000 in gold on me plus thousands in loot in my house. The only stuff I've bought is iron ingots and leather for smithing daggers. I do obsessively loot every gold coin from bodies, chests and urns though. I've only just started selling my loot after I broke the 100,000 barrier and my chest at my house is so full it's unbelievably slow to navigate in the menu.
Not in game, but I enjoy a glass or two of mead in real life. But given it's 14.5% then a pint is a little overkill :)

Level 61 and I have well over 100,000 in gold on me plus thousands in loot in my house. The only stuff I've bought is iron ingots and leather for smithing daggers. I do obsessively loot every gold coin from bodies, chests and urns though. I've only just started selling my loot after I broke the 100,000 barrier and my chest at my house is so full it's unbelievably slow to navigate in the menu.

This. I buy iron ingots from Warmaidens, make leather strips from animal skins, smith iron daggers, enchant those daggers with Banish up at Dragonsreach, then sell them back at Warmaidens (and every other merchant who'll buy weapons).
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One other cool way of making money is to make jewellery with the transmute spell. You can find, mine or buy iron ore which is dirt cheap, and the spell changes it to silver ore and then into gold ore. You can then use the smelter to turn the ore into silver ingots or gold ingots and then make silver or gold rings or necklaces. You can also add precious stones (loads to find in treasure chests all over skyrim or dead bodies) like diamonds, rubies, emeralds to make jewelled necklaces and rings, and the final value of the item you made will far exceed the value/cost of the ores. Enchanting them will further increase their worth. Kind of like being the H.Samuels of skyrim.
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Can someone tell me how to get the ZOOM function on the bows? I use the bow a lot as I like sniping animals and people. Im playing as a nasty character and wipe out entire towns from far away by dropping people with arrows.

I get frequent level ups but never get the zoom on right-click??

Can someone tell me how to get the ZOOM function on the bows? I use the bow a lot as I like sniping animals and people. Im playing as a nasty character and wipe out entire towns from far away by dropping people with arrows.

I get frequent level ups but never get the zoom on right-click??


Its one of the perks in the archery tree.. have a look and spend some skill points there.
^ Thanx I will take a look next time. From what I remember I get a level-up and when I go to the perk tree a lot of it is greyed out! I think I only have one bow-perk (the drawstring one?). I'll have to snipe like mad and then see what I can get on the perk tree.
Hundreds of hours crash free, and now with the new patch crashing quite a lot. Also never ending loading screens. :(

Edit: Might have been a buggy version of SKSE, hopefully new version will sort it.
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Finally taken the plunge and bought this, or rather more accurately, for some reason my girlfriend has taken the plunge and bought this. First videogame she's ever bought for herself.

I think the trailer got her all excited because she's reading all those game of thrones novels.
Wow, i wish my wife was like your girlfriend. Although she liked season 1 of the Game of Thrones and is looking to season 2 in April. I've just read the 2nd part of Book 3 (Blood & Gold), ordered the remaining 2 books.
Finally taken the plunge and bought this, or rather more accurately, for some reason my girlfriend has taken the plunge and bought this. First videogame she's ever bought for herself.

I think the trailer got her all excited because she's reading all those game of thrones novels.

A "Song of Ice and Fire" novels. "A Game of Thrones" is the first one in the series.
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