The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Quick question on fighting mages – I’m a stealth character but have upgraded most of my combat skills so I’m not getting killed by draugr anymore (first time player, default difficulty). At about level 45, can finally deal with dragons and most other things with bow, one handed, two handed etc. But a couple of mages just slaughtered me, and so easily I was shocked, even though my armour is very high. Also a certain vampire was practically unkillable and was able to slaughter me in seconds. It was ridiculous, compared to how easily I’m now finding Draugr and everything else etc.

Absolutely loving the game otherwise, and I suppose it’s good that some enemies can still smash you although I don’t understand how or why.
I take it if I have crazy stats the enemies I encounter will also have high stats and be hard for me to beat?

Is that how it works?

Enemies get stronger based on your level, nothing else. The perks you've taken, the skills you have, the equipment you use, etc, have no bearing on anything. So its entirely possible to be level 20 and walk through everything like its not there, or be level 20 and have a difficult time with a lot of enemies just depending on how your character is set up.

Armour has nothing to do with magic resistance. No idea how the enemies spells work as far as damage is concerned because they have their own levelled spells but its pretty high without magic/elemental resistances. Just kill them without being seen or stay at range to dodge. If you close in to melee range the only way to win is to kill them quickly or keep them staggered so they can't cast.

Vampires gave me my first righteous kicking when I encountered them too, they still do sometimes if I let my guard down. I don't know that this game really caters for playing a pure class archetype, it would be quite easy if you mixed in some magic.

With good enough blades and skills (15x backstab, some means of combat disengaging like the stealth-crouch or pacify or invisibility) you can take them out quickly without much trouble.

Are there poisons that can paralyze (I don't really use poisons, but this is essentially the rogue equivalent of magic in the game)? If so, you might want to try carrying some of that around, a decent paralyze will let you cut a vampire up whilst it lays helpless on the floor. A Turn Undead (undead fear spell) based poison should make them easy pickings so long as they don't run like headless chickens into their buddies.

The other thing is to boost up your magic resistances. Sacrifice your +armor and +damage boosts for these when fighting a caster, like there are necklaces sold on merchants that give 70% fire resistance. Vamps can be a bit violent in melee but mostly they're a pain because of their bloodsucking/lifedrains and spells.

At 45 if they're kicking your tail, it's going to be an equipment deficiency along these lines. Be sure to scour merchants on every sell-up for any apparel that may be situationally useful (especially if it's lightweight) and buy it to lug around or buy it to disenchant so you can make your own.

One thing I do NOT bother with is magicka sapping weapons, just doesn't seem worth the hassle.

I use daedric swords/daggers (at your level you should either be able to make these, or at least get and improve ebony ones which aren't far off), but they're plain and not enchanted since I've been lazy on that skill.

P.s. In fights against mages and dragons, I use the +resistances based dragon priest mask (Otar) too. Once you start collecting these, they can be very useful things to have at hand.
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Enemies get stronger based on your level, nothing else. The perks you've taken, the skills you have, the equipment you use, etc, have no bearing on anything. So its entirely possible to be level 20 and walk through everything like its not there, or be level 20 and have a difficult time with a lot of enemies just depending on how your character is set up.

That's interesting to know. Thanks. I assumed they would level up if I was say 100 smithing/alchemy etc.

I might spend tonight trying to get a high smithing skill by making daggers to then be able to make some crazy ass armour/weapons. :D
P.s. In fights against mages and dragons, I use the +resistances based dragon priest mask (Otar) too. Once you start collecting these, they can be very useful things to have at hand.

I've been using Otar since I got it. It's the best of the set IMO.
I've been using Otar since I got it. It's the best of the set IMO.

I'd wear it all the time but I need to swap it in/out with another one (Volkan I believe it is called) so I can dual-cast some of the 100th level spells.

Dragonhide takes like 700-750 magicka to dual cast or something crazy, and this is essentially my defense against all big hitters like draugr overlords / bitey dragons / giants.

Once I have a few more levels and enough magicka to cast without it, I too will probably have Otar on all the time I'm not buying or selling.
I take it if I have crazy stats the enemies I encounter will also have high stats and be hard for me to beat?

Is that how it works?

Despite some enemies being levelled, they aren't levelled enough to be a challenge to you with your legendary kit and huge % increase to weapons skills. :p

My next playthrough will be with minimal armour and magic stuff apart from a bow and daggers.

i could kill a giant with 2 hits and a dragon with 4-5 arrows iirc.
just get your armour/weapons to normal legendry stats first, without enchantments etc...

edit. i didn't refresh the page. answer has already been answered
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Dwarven Bow of freezing + Glass Arrows + Most of the archery perks levelled = Most enemies dead before they reach me.
That's interesting to know. Thanks. I assumed they would level up if I was say 100 smithing/alchemy etc.

I might spend tonight trying to get a high smithing skill by making daggers to then be able to make some crazy ass armour/weapons. :D

Well unless you have access to Ebony it won't help you so you'd have to find a mine first. Failing that, Dragon armour if you've fought enough dragons.

Otar is a great mask. 30% to all resistances is too good to pass up for a heavy armour focused character.
Hrm I'm not keen on the Daedric stuff. I just have legendary Orcish kit. The orcish set looks awesome IMO and performs well. I hate the way Ebony helms cover the face - especially when your follower wears one. This is why I make Mjoll wear a circlet or Orcish helm.
Needs a mod to stop followers helms from displaying really. Spoils it a little when instead of travelling with Lydia or Mjoll or any other random henchman you're walking around with a talking piece of armour ><

My Mjolls using Dragonbone anyway, though I must admit the set does look dreadful.

Hi just a quick question to those in the know. I have an enchantment that is 13% more damage to bows, I now have a circlet that gives 40% more damage to bows when I try and disenchant the circlet with 40% it tells me the enchantment on this item is already known.It would be nice to put the 40% on gauntlets and rings. why is it just sticking to the 13% which I disenchanted ages ago, or am I missing something here. thanks in advance
When you disenchant the circlet you aren't getting the 40%, you are just getting the enchantment. You can then put that enchantment on other items, but it will be at a % depending upon your enchantment skill and perks. You only need to disenchant one of each the enchantments.
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