The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Thanks for the replies, I did actually try a paralysis potion on the vamp (she was called something like a Valikor (sp?) vampire – way stronger than all the others) and it definitely didn’t work on her, I presumed they are immune? I tried my most powerful magic (fireball), legendary super-smithed glass bow with poisoned daedric arrows and she took 4-5 of the arrows no bother and I was dead. When I spammed health potions and did eventually get her health down she sapped all my stamina and sprinted away to reheal! I was swearing all sorts of misogynistic curses by that stage. I eventually did get her using invisibility potion and backstab but that felt a bit cheap (despite the immense relief) I mean, if I can hammer giants and dragons in a straight up fight I should be able to handle one girl. So what protection do I need is it specifically magic resistance or frost/shock resistance? She seemed to be using all three.
the hi-res texture pack is now available on the steam store as DLC.

and! the creation kit is now in the tools list on steam.


texture pack is ~3.1gb
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When you disenchant the circlet you aren't getting the 40%, you are just getting the enchantment. You can then put that enchantment on other items, but it will be at a % depending upon your enchantment skill and perks. You only need to disenchant one of each the enchantments.

Thanks for the reply
Anyone tried the texture pack yet? My download has slowed right down due to Virgin medias speed cap :(.

Just got in from work, downloading between 1-1.5mb/s but usually get about 4mb/s. I think the servers are getting hammered as steam in general is being slow for me.
Going to be an hour or so till it's done for me.

I see they are downloading as .bsa and .esp files (HigResTexturePack01.(bsa and esp) + 02). I'm not sure, but doesn't that mean any unofficial high res packs already downloaded will be used (as they overwrite the files from .bsa). Maybe that is what the .esp is for.

We shall see. Uninstalling the unofficial texture pack could be a kerfuffle.
Mine is trickling down at 60KB/s. Obscenely slow internet in London for the proverbial lose. I am itching to see some before and after screenshots. Considering original download was only 6GB what are people expecting with an additional file 50% of the size? Are they double/quadrupling texture size?
It was maxing my connection then suddenly went down to 300kb/s. Pretty sure thats what the speedcap is on my connection. Still getting 300KB/s at the moment, with another 30 mins to go.

I assume i'll need to remove the 2k texture pack as it might conflict with this one?
Thanks for the replies, I did actually try a paralysis potion on the vamp (she was called something like a Valikor (sp?) vampire – way stronger than all the others) and it definitely didn’t work on her, I presumed they are immune?

Unfortunately it seems the poisons won't work on this creature type. The spells do, but the poison, being a blood-carrying affliction to a creature's systems, has no affect on them. Makes sense, I suppose, but is still a raw deal for non-caster players.
It was maxing my connection then suddenly went down to 300kb/s. Pretty sure thats what the speedcap is on my connection. Still getting 300KB/s at the moment, with another 30 mins to go.

I assume i'll need to remove the 2k texture pack as it might conflict with this one?

How would it conflict with the new texture pack, it will probably just overwrite the High Resolution textures.
Mines downloaded, just about to fire it up now.

I removed the 2K texpack in the NMM before I installed the official HD textures. Can't really see a major difference though with them applied...until I switch on the FXAA shaders :eek:
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I'd put up some screens but its a bit pointless as most of you will have it soon. I can't really see any detail until I enable the shaders mod tbh... You need to let the skyrim launcher redetect your video card settings before using them though.
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