Just completed an interesting quest called Waking Nightmare in the Nightcaller Temple.
Now I'm going to make 2 more sets of legendary daedric gauntlets to enchant, as I've just disenchanted my weaker damage ebony gauntlets with one handed skill increased by 30%, and disenchanted a circlet of archery with increased bow skill of 35%. I can put those enchantments on the new daedrics. So I'll have 3 sets of daedric gauntlets. The set I currently have improves two handed skill by 27%. The archery gauntlets, along with my ring of archery will put both my daedric bows damage to near 200. Nice!
My original intention was just to find 2 daedra hearts, which wiki tells me I can find in the temple. I found 3 there though! They're so rare it's satisfying to find some.