The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Half the group played in 3rd person exclusively?

That hurts me deeply. :(

Edit - Stupid "preview."
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its a DX9 game wouldnt worry to much most PCs will be able to max it tbh!

Direct x version is one of the less important factors in performance really. Although the graphics are outdated I would probably expect it's a crap optimisation of a console port myself.
Funny thing is, there are enough Oblivion mods out there to make that game best stock Skyrim. I've been looking at some of the visuals for Skyrim and they don't seem all that vs a heavily modded Oblivion. Still buying it mind - hopefully it'll be mod friendly too.
Funny thing is, there are enough Oblivion mods out there to make that game best stock Skyrim. I've been looking at some of the visuals for Skyrim and they don't seem all that vs a heavily modded Oblivion. Still buying it mind - hopefully it'll be mod friendly too.

Bethesda know better than to commit commercial suicide by releasing an Elder Scrolls game without mod support.
Bethesda know better than to commit commercial suicide by releasing an Elder Scrolls game without mod support.

Indeed. Moment they do that they may as well not bother releasing it on PC. It'd go from potential pre-order to bargain bin pick-up immediately.
Bethesda have some of the worst character artists I've ever seen. They've been plagued by this problem since Morrowind, for the love of god Bethesda, please hire someone decent!
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