The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Crossbows XD?

The Vampire Lord stuff sounds vaguely interesting..

-New Weapons, Armor, Spells and Shouts. Join the Dawnguard and wield all new crossbows and craft your own arrows, bolts, and Dragonbone weapons. Use new weapons, armor, spells and shouts, including the Soul Tear shout – that rips the souls from your enemies and turns them into your minions.

-Become a Vampire Lord. Side with the vampires and become a Vampire Lord yourself. Hover across the ground, turn yourself into bats, levitate your enemies as you drain their life, and more. The Vampire Lord features its own upgradable perk system.

-Werewolf Perks added. Playing as a werewolf now has its own upgradable perk system including Bestial Strength, Animal Vigor, and Savage Feeding.

-New Locations and Creatures. Choose from two new fortresses to upgrade and call home, Castle Volkihar or Fort Dawnguard. Discover lost valleys and travel to a new realm of Oblivion, the Soul Cairn. Battle new creatures including Death Hounds, Gargoyles, Armored Trolls, and all new vampires and dragons.

-Change Your Appearance. Visit Riften’s Ratway and find the woman who can change your appearance, altering your face or hair.
Is this likely to mess up already installed mods? I spent ages following the total enhancement guide and adding/testing a few more in top.

I don't want to install this and then have to go back to vanilla.
I saw somewhere it was about 10 hours? Even less because that was them being generous, someone ive seen said it only lasts 8 hours :eek:

Anyway for that price im not going near it :p

You do realise the majority of full release games tend to be around the 8-10 hour mark right?

Tbh I dont think the price is that bad, especially with the fact it has two storylines to follow in it. Anyway bought it and going to download when I get home tonight, thats my friday night gone. :D
You do realise the majority of full release games tend to be around the 8-10 hour mark right?

Tbh I dont think the price is that bad, especially with the fact it has two storylines to follow in it. Anyway bought it and going to download when I get home tonight, thats my friday night gone. :D

Sure, if you think comparing things directly hour for hour means much, especially between genre's. The production value of an 8 hour SP campaign in an FPS game is (hopefully) considerably higher than that of 8 hours in an open world RPG.

I just can't get back into this!!!!!

I have tried 3 different times now, but since loosing all my saves, I get bored around 5 hours into any character I play :(

I am forcing my self down one path of play style each time. Really need to break the habit. But I'm scared of becoming a jack of all trades and master of none!

Basically, had hundreds of hours on my 360, then finally got round to building my rig. But still struggling to get passed the 10 hours play mark on any character. Just get so bored!!!!

Any ideas guys? I really have no idea how to liven this game up for me... How versatile can you be without being under powered? Like I made a pretty bog standard char again last night. One handed, with destruction in the left hand. Heavy armor... Still got pretty much raped by the first dragon.

I used to play sneak on the 360. Tried to re create the character on PC... Nope, bored of that now. Want something a little fast paced. Then played a 2h orc, which just slaughtered anything with ease. Maybe just play the game how I feel depending upon the situation? But I'm scared to do this, simply because it will result in me being weak :(

I managed to play a jack of all trades fairly easily :)

Found my rogue like skills would level quicker due to using bows and sneaking round, but could go toe to toe with enemies if needed and threw magic around a fair bit, probably not the outright most powerful character but i never got stuck in a situation because i wanted to stay on the same playstyle all the time :)
You do realise the majority of full release games tend to be around the 8-10 hour mark right?

Tbh I dont think the price is that bad, especially with the fact it has two storylines to follow in it. Anyway bought it and going to download when I get home tonight, thats my friday night gone. :D

And that's exactly why I don't buy them until they are on sale. Also do you realize most of the games that have short single player campaigns have multiplayer, which is usually the majority of the game? eg. CoD
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Xmas sales....

I'd say that is unlikely, especially for a game as popular as Skyrim, but we shall see. Often the DLC is discounted by the same amount as the game it belongs to so we may well see 66% on both this Christmas, but I'd be extremely surprised if it was 75%.
Xmas sales....

So what is the verdict on Dawguard, is it good? Is it worth £13 and how long is the gameplay?

I started it on 360 the day it came out, played a bit, and got bored of it. :(

Short of adding the crossbow and mounted combat I could have done with not buying it really.

I haven't started down the Dawnguard path but the Vampire lord stuff is dull and nothing compared to he main quest/additional quests you get in Skyrim.
I only bought Skyrim in the recent Steam sale and still working my way through that. Is it worth buying Dawnguard now or am I better off "finishing" Skyrim first?
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