The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Your character has to be level 10 before one of the guards will mention that they're reforming the Dawnguard.

Which reminds me of another poll I would like to conduct. Who goes for Dawnguard and who goes for Vampire

Even though I am ruining the thread, I went for Vampire (I'm on 360).

Got bored though and never finished it. :(
I got Dawnguard and started as a Vampire Lord, but loads of stuff is going on with real life and I'm looking at Friday or the weekend for my next Skyrim play.

Still, it's not been too bad so far.


Also got a bit more stuck into it last night. Finding Soul Cairn very underwhelming condsidering what I read in the press. Storyline is good, and having Serena as a follower that actually helps you is an added bonus

Finding Vampire Lord pretty useless. Just running around shooting red fireballs at people that if you play on master like I do, barely scratch their surface, gets very tedious very quickly.

CBBE vampire armour is an excellent mod if your character is female. Glad I played as vampire now, as Dawnguard armour is as bland as you can possibly get.
I've just started playing this again, having reformatted in the meantime, but now have a problem where I get a flickering green screen when I hit ESC to access the settings menu. It's not the end of the world and I can manage with it, but it is rather annoying. I've seen a few other results when I search Google, but haven't seen much of a solution.

Has anyone had this issue as well and fixed it? If it helps I have an HD4870X2.
Not had a problem with flickering menus, but had problems with flickering mountains, and flickering water. Fixed it by either:

Lowering refresh rate on monitor
Fixing FPS on ENB to 60 FPS.

Running SLI 580's so your issue might be driver related?

Only menu related issue I had was the red one after trying to change ugrids back to 5. Only fix for that was clean ini, prefs.ini, and re install of game. (not sure which is actual fix)
An expansion based on the island from bloodmoon might actually get me playing this again, its a cool idea that and was probably the best Morrowind expansion.

The last thing i did before i got bored was install some mods and it made the game so slow and jerky, I had just finished the mages guild missions (which started out really good but later on not so much) not sure if it was one mod in particular that was causing it.

Whats dawnguard about then ? new areas ? (briefly without spoiling it)
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From Elder Scrolls Wiki:

The story of The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard involves the return of a Volkihar vampire lord named Harkon, who seeks to end the tyranny of the sun. Harkon intends to use the power in the ancient Elder Scrolls to accomplish his goal, while an order of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard seek to stop him.
I've just started playing this again, having reformatted in the meantime, but now have a problem where I get a flickering green screen when I hit ESC to access the settings menu. It's not the end of the world and I can manage with it, but it is rather annoying. I've seen a few other results when I search Google, but haven't seen much of a solution.

Has anyone had this issue as well and fixed it? If it helps I have an HD4870X2.

what drivers are you running? i experienced this in the early 12.x series. (currently on 12.8 and its gone)
what drivers are you running? i experienced this in the early 12.x series. (currently on 12.8 and its gone)

Yeah I read about a few people saying more recent AMD drivers had fixed the issue, but unfortunately I have an HD4870X2, and the most recent driver for that is 12.6. However I did manage to fix the problem by turning AA off in the game settings, and enabling it in CCC (rather than using application settings).
Well it has been ok for me this evening. Played a couple of hours without problems.

Do have some pretty major stutter though when outisde. But I feel that has been happening since installing Project ENB. Will have to have a tinker with the settings.
Your character has to be level 10 before one of the guards will mention that they're reforming the Dawnguard.

Which reminds me of another poll I would like to conduct. Who goes for Dawnguard and who goes for Vampire

Dawnguard. The Dwarven Enhanced Crossbow blows every other ranged weapon out of the water. Definitely worth it over becoming a vampire lord. Plus you have the modified bolts which are awesome.
Well it has been ok for me this evening. Played a couple of hours without problems.

Do have some pretty major stutter though when outisde. But I feel that has been happening since installing Project ENB. Will have to have a tinker with the settings.

Using enbs inbuilt fps limiter completely eliminated stutter for me. You can find it in the enb ini.
I accidentally clicked on page one of this thread just now, and thought I would read though it.....the amount of moaning about this game, mostly about things that were not even true was unbelievable!:p (well maybe not)
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