The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Hello unofficial patch :D

Tbh all they need to do is bolster the core game and include enough base content. The mod community will do the rest.
I'm running a Q6600 / 4GB / GTX 460 and I'm still not sure to get this on PC or on my xbox or ps3.

It does look good, but I wasn't Oblivion's biggest fan to be honest, so I hope they get things right with this.

I'm also thinking of signing up to Quidco, is it really as simple as it sounds?

Sign up > find item on Quidco > follow link > Buy item as usual > receive money back?
I've just done the same deal, plus I found a code for 200 extra Clubcard points when you spend over £10. Nice little bonus!

Also if you use the voucher 10GS-1 here you can get £10 off when you pre order 2 games. So I got Skyrim and BF3 for £45 with 8% quidco as well. Bargain IMO. Just dont know how good they are at delivering on time.
Decided to get mine from shopto in the end. Want to make sure I get the game as early as possible :) - usually get them the Tuesday before release with shopto. Will definitely be worth the price.
More like:

Sign up > find item on Quidco > follow link > Buy item as usual > item doesn't track > Quidco won't help you.

I've had over £600 back from Quidco in the last 3 years and only had 3 things fail to track. Got £250 back on a California holiday last year spread over 3-4 different websites.

I always empty my browser cache and clear all cookies before starting a purchase as I believe that cookie issues are the main cause. I also always use IE for purchases through Quidco to ensure maximum compatibility.
Decided to get mine from shopto in the end. Want to make sure I get the game as early as possible :) - usually get them the Tuesday before release with shopto. Will definitely be worth the price.

Won't steamworks mean that you can't play it till the friday anyway?

mithrandir - your setup looks fine, it wont run at max settings due to your graphics card but your processor is decent.
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I have literally just come in at the end of this thread and havent got a clue whats been said but i have found a pre order price of £22 as opposed to the £34.99 on steam.

Can i just enter the code from the manual and it will activate on steam and download on there saving me £13??
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