The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Going to be using the mods that was edited into my OP :)

Hopefully I can remove them without issue if my frames are bad
ah ha, I was getting dire frame rates after modding ie dropping down to 30 with not much going on. It wasn't until I went through the grassy fields that my frames really hit rock bottom i'm talking 10fps!

I couldn't understand why until I read the readme, it turned out I had grass shadows on and extremely dense grass as far as the eye could see :D

Set your grass density to 75 (or higher NOT LOWER) in your skyrim.ini file or insert the below line

If you can't see any difference in your grass density, make sure you have the below line in your skyrimprefs.ini under Grass section:
Install this AFTER Lush Grass
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Looks beautiful in game and no slow downs on my 660, the New Ambient Sounds are really something as well

Haven't finished with the mods yet, one bit at a time :)

It's NOT that sharp if you're concerned, downsized pics :)
That it does, impressive that you aren't getting slowdowns at all though, mine looks similar but drops to 30fps in some places on a 670 at 1440x900. What resolution are you gaming at Neil?
I must say I'm enjoying skyrim a lot now, for it to run so well on my new card and see a completely different dungeon experience. The lighting, the new ambient sounds, the waterfall rushing in the distance, high textured details and still only using 80% or so of my GPU :D

That it does, impressive that you aren't getting slowdowns at all though, mine looks similar but drops to 30fps in some places on a 670 at 1440x900. What resolution are you gaming at Neil?



Atm I find I spend more time fiddling with mods and graphics settings than actually playing. Anyway, after much frustration and tweaking I have finally found settings which I like and don't break everything. Main visual mods used:

Skyrim HD 2k texture pack
Project reality - climates of tamriel
Cinematic fire effects
Skyrim floral overhaul
Detailed rugs
Blaze of eventide
Enhanced distance terrain
splash of rain
xenius character enhancement
Sharpshooters ENB mod
Lush trees and grass
WATER Water and terrain enhancement redux

I had to disable Depth of Field completely as it makes me nauseous. Have tried various ENB mods such as Real Vision ENB but I didn't like the way it handled light. Made nights completely black even with full moons. Sharpshooters ENB is far from perfect, it has trouble with shadows and making some areas way too dark. If anyone can suggest a fix I would be grateful

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Hi guys, I have a couple of questions:

I obviously have to get back into Skyrim the moment I have GTA V to play, Splinter Cell Blacklist and god knows how many other games. Skyrim has suddenly dragged me back in again...

Anyway, I'm normally ALWAYS a thief/assassin type, it's the most fun to me. But I really feel I have limited my self to what the game has to offer playing this type of character. So, I made a mage! Yayyyy, I'm currently only level 3 haha. But I'm wearing a robe & hood with the rest being heavy armor.

What mods are the best for magic? I want to kind of keep it vanilla and not swamp my self with the insane amount of spells from something like midas magick. But I heard there are some crucial mag mods to make magic fair.

At the moment, I'm ploughing through pretty much everything on Adept difficulty.

Also, I'm playing a Breton (first time for that as well!), I'm hoping to use several schools of magic, mostly alteration, conjuration, restoration and obviously destruction. I will be getting into enchantment as I want heavy armor, not cloth.
Hi guys, I have a couple of questions:

I obviously have to get back into Skyrim the moment I have GTA V to play, Splinter Cell Blacklist and god knows how many other games. Skyrim has suddenly dragged me back in again...

Anyway, I'm normally ALWAYS a thief/assassin type, it's the most fun to me. But I really feel I have limited my self to what the game has to offer playing this type of character. So, I made a mage! Yayyyy, I'm currently only level 3 haha. But I'm wearing a robe & hood with the rest being heavy armor.

What mods are the best for magic? I want to kind of keep it vanilla and not swamp my self with the insane amount of spells from something like midas magick. But I heard there are some crucial mag mods to make magic fair.

At the moment, I'm ploughing through pretty much everything on Adept difficulty.

Also, I'm playing a Breton (first time for that as well!), I'm hoping to use several schools of magic, mostly alteration, conjuration, restoration and obviously destruction. I will be getting into enchantment as I want heavy armor, not cloth.

((I obviously have to get back into Skyrim the moment I have GTA V to play, Splinter Cell Blacklist and god knows how many other games. Skyrim has suddenly dragged me back in again))

I know how you feel never time to do it all :(
I've just reinstalled Skyrim after a long break and tried to carry on with my character but couldn't as I'm missing some critical mods. I can't remember what they are as I had a load installed. Is there any way of finding out?

Did you find out? In a similar boat due to os reinstall trouble shooting graphics card issue. Clocked up something silly like 200+ hours gameplay time too, over 3 characters. Wondering/hoping steam cloud save works, although did backup most savegames, and it will tell me what's missing on first launch...had 30-40 mods!
Seems I've done 333hrs!

Found some savegames and a tracelog with some mods listed in it...bit rusty on creating a clean save. From memory, character has to wait inside a building for 3 game days or 30 I barking up the right tree?
Seems I've done 333hrs!

Found some savegames and a tracelog with some mods listed in it...bit rusty on creating a clean save. From memory, character has to wait inside a building for 3 game days or 30 I barking up the right tree?

Assuming the game will load without the missing plug-ins or after removing dependencies using Wrye Bash, the easiest way is using SKSE:

In addition, and I know this is something I have already stated on a number of occasions, there is a command line for SKSE that will clear out your savegame of unregistered scripts and reduce bloat and this will mean improved performance and far less compatibility issues which can cause crashes.

The following command line can be added to the skse.ini file and will then remain active at all times:


If skse.ini doesn't exist, create a text document and add the line above. Then rename it and place it according to: data\skse\skse.ini
Assuming the game will load without the missing plug-ins or after removing dependencies using Wrye Bash, the easiest way is using SKSE:

Thanks Proto - all 3 character saves loaded last night, and skse spring clean. Although I think I've lost loads of items stashed in modded houses (for my mage and archer) - c'est la vie.

Time to mod again :)

Anyone tried this Wild Horses

And this SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
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