The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Had me stumped for a few minutes, too ;)

It is amazing how much better the games looks and feels on PC with a few mods than it did on my 360.
Added quite a few mods for visuals and other things, starting to get some fps drops but the majority of the time it stays at 60, just sometimes get sudden spikes down to like 20 which'll go back up to 60, but I must say it's incredibly worth it. The game looks stunning, especially in caves and darker areas it comes to life. I've even actually been getting scared when in darker caves, have to actually use torches if I don't want to **** myself
Careful with grass mods they can tank your fps.

Does any one else get stutter on good range systems?

Oh really? I might try uninstalling that Grass on steroids then. Seems kinda ironic as in the description it says it 'boosts fps', though that's highly doubtful.
Oh really? I might try uninstalling that Grass on steroids then. Seems kinda ironic as in the description it says it 'boosts fps', though that's highly doubtful.

Have you tried this?

Put this setting in your skyrim.ini file:

If you want faster FPS performance (framerate boost) set it between 100 to 128
If you want very thick grass (with fps loss) set it to 40 (or lower, if your pc can handle)

Also check if you have the following lines in your skyrimprefs.ini file:
Have you tried this?

This is all that shows up under Skyrim.ini in My Games>Skyrim :S

sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560"

I don't even own that 560 anymore.

I went to steamapps Skyrim and I only have SkyrimPrefs there. This is all that's in there:

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I always found the grass mods were a little OTT and made the world look incredibly fake, simply texture improvements are more than enough.

I actually prefer tree improvements as they are in view far more often, I can live with the occasional immersion fracture when I look down.
I love the rain and sound from the ClimatesOfTamriel (I think) mod. Adds a lot of atmosphere to the game.

Still get crashes when I try the SoS The Wilds and The Dungeons mods with CoT. I'll have to do without them.

Getting a solid average of 75fps with the 4 mods I've got installed. That'll do for me. I'm going to get back playing this from tomorrow onwards.
I still can't nail which mod is causing my crashes. I've only got half a dozen installed as well. How do those with 20+ manage?

My crashes come at completely random times as well. I'll have to try the game without any mods to see if it's stable and then add the mods one by one.
I still can't nail which mod is causing my crashes. I've only got half a dozen installed as well. How do those with 20+ manage?

We use mods that are compatible and Wrye Bash them :p I've noticed that I've always had trouble with a few (ask SKSE to write out a crash dump) - Sounds of Skyrim, Unknown Enchants and the smithing mods seem to always cause problems for me. I usually end up with localised problems such as crashes when entering the Dark Brotherhood Sancturary or the Markarth Palace. Dragonsreach seems to be eternally unstable (OK, but will cause a crash after ~5 mins of entering).
Why not try the Audio Overhaul instead of SoS - that works well with CoT, and also has a huge selection of patches for different mods.

I like the CoT, Audio Overhaul, ELFX combo for sound, weather and lighting personally.
Why not try the Audio Overhaul instead of SoS - that works well with CoT, and also has a huge selection of patches for different mods.

I like the CoT, Audio Overhaul, ELFX combo for sound, weather and lighting personally.

Will give it a try.

I have been using 2 SoS mods so maybe that is the issue. The 'wilds' one added a lot to the atmosphere for me. Shame.

Cannot log in to Nexus Mod Manager. I'm spending more time trying to fix games than playing them recently. Bloody annoying.
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