The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Nah, I'm premium and it's naffed for me too.

I think the the site was getting attacked, it was getting slowed to a standstill so they changed servers recently. Now it's just teething troubles getting everything back working again.

My NMM won't sign in but you can still download from the site manually and instal.

Also I tried ModManager last night. What a mess. Mods didn't to work , it got confused with others and didn't know where to place updates etc. Took me about another 2 hours getting my game back to normal afterwards as it messed about with a few things and I had to basically re-install everything.

Never again.

Nothing wrong with MOD organiser if you know how to use it. You can do much more with it than you can than the out-of date NMM. I would love to see how you could run over 200 mods while using many Skyproc patches and NMM. I cant be done with NMM.
What, you mean the Mod Organiser?

If so, I'm very sorry to hear that - I wouldn't have recommended it if I wasn't totally happy with it. Did you use it after having already modded the game through NMM? AFAIK it's one of those tools where you need to start from scratch on a vanilla install, because of it not touching the data folder - once set up it worked flawlessly for me.

I copied my mods to a new folder out the way, started the mod organiser and installed the mods one by one.

Some of them just wouldn't work.. No More Blocky Faces was one that I recall.
Another wouldn't let me install the update, Not sure if it was AOS or ELFX.

Then I had a few problems getting SKSE/SkyUI to work correctly.

I decided to go back to NMM and put all the data back in the folders and something got messed up, mods got tripled, save games started with mods missing, my little target + vanished even though it was turned on.

My save game got messed up with mods not being installed correctly and somehow the auto-backup (which was the only one I had in about 30 levels) got written over so my character was bald and naked with no gear :)

ahh well. you learn. I did have a play about with the mod manager though, I liked the save game thing which told you what mods were being used on the saves. Other than that it was rather confusing vs the NMM.

Well at least I now have an excuse to start a new game.
I know it's not really relevant to mods and such but is there a website which tells me about the lore of The Elder Scrolls? I'd like to know a bit more about characters/factions/the history etc. Since I've never played a game before Skyrim in the franchise the story is a little confusing (and my char is only level 9)
I know it's not really relevant to mods and such but is there a website which tells me about the lore of The Elder Scrolls? I'd like to know a bit more about characters/factions/the history etc. Since I've never played a game before Skyrim in the franchise the story is a little confusing (and my char is only level 9)

This should give you something to read before bed time:
I really should start playing this again, steam says I have something like 30 hours played but I got so bogged down modding it and messing about with the editor I don't think I could have played more than about 2 hours into the story.

*edit - Failed to read OP :(
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Come on guys read the op!

I might as well not bother listing the best mods to bring it more up to date if people keep asking the same thing :(
Going to test this one tomorrow

NPCs with more extensive dialogues. Approximately 200 fully voiced NPCs. So far over 500,000 words and 25,000 lines of total dialogue, 20 followers, 8 marriage NPCs, and 45 quests. See mod page for pictures, videos and details.

It is good, but a little out of place tbh. I mean, there are lots of NPCs added, but every single one, whenever you walk up to them, they practically tell you their life story. You could be there for hours in dialogue with one, waiting for it to end!
Well I'm pretty much done with the guide apart from the odd tweak, it's up to everyone else what they want to install
Going to test this one tomorrow

NPCs with more extensive dialogues. Approximately 200 fully voiced NPCs. So far over 500,000 words and 25,000 lines of total dialogue, 20 followers, 8 marriage NPCs, and 45 quests. See mod page for pictures, videos and details.
iNPCs is damn good and a must have for me.

That plus inconsequential npcs are great for adding more life to the world.
Just as I upgrade to legendary edition, and decide to put some mods on and start playing again with my new gfx card (2-3months) the nexus site goes down lol.
Its no coincidence. The sites always bloody down.

Up...Down..Up...Down :mad:

Anyhoo, I've added IMMERSIVE WEAPONS + IMMERSIVE ARMOUR + DYNAMIC LOOT to the mod list! Really awesome so far, I'm testing all these mods fully before adding. Feels more unique killing a bandit with dynamic loot as you may get a rare item.











Brighter in game and less sharp, PRTSCRN doesn't have Gamma Correction which MSI does, though msi overlay doesn't work properly with this FXAA set up
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