24" 1080p
I won't be buying a reference card, I bought a green one once never again.
Yeah you should probably drop AA then, no real need for it and it is a resource hog.
One word: Sapphire.
24" 1080p
I won't be buying a reference card, I bought a green one once never again.
Yeah you should probably drop AA then, no real need for it and it is a resource hog.
One word: Sapphire.
I guess your settings must have been close to mine then if it didn't make much difference.
If you press the ` key (to the left of 1 key) it opens the console and that will stop the game moving about as you use the mouse to change stuff in the GUI.
The [Memory] section in enblocal.ini can make quite a bit of difference too. Make a copy before changing stuff tho. Here is mine:
There is http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50013/? for Solstheim, I have it installed but not been there to see it yet .
Thanks, it was impossible to use before.
I'll try those.
Made no difference sadly, and the GUI is still useless, if I do manage to change anything it doesn't save.
Well you need to click Save configuration
Well you need to click Save configuration
Well, I thought I was getting close to finishing modding my game, seems am still far from it.
Maybe by end of March I can finally start to play. :/
I think most people will tell you that they install one or two mods at a time, test it, play a bit, see if they like it and are sure it's stable, then they install a few more, play some more, then think about installing some more, etc.