The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

If the ENB you use has Detailed Shadows enabled then you can lower these settings in SkyrimPrefs.ini and you shouldn't notice too much difference in the quality:

fShadowDistance= (I use 4000)
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary= (I use 1024)
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary= (I use 1024)
iShadowMapResolution= (I use 1024)

And this one in Skyrim.ini

iShadowMapResolutionPrimary= (I use 1024)

You can tweak the memory settings in enblocal.ini. Here are mine (I have a 4GB graphics card):


If you have raised uGridsToLoad above 5 then all hope is lost of high FPS with an ENB :).

You could overclock your CPU/GPU to get few more FPS.

Edit: Just turned signatures back on and can see your spec. Already overclocked. 3GB graphics card? Try ReservedMemorySizeMb=768 (or 512) and VideoMemorySizeMb=6144 in enblocal.ini.

Thanks a lot dude, will give all that a go.

[Edit] I'm finding the performance version of Realvision along with your tweaks to be working really well, hardly dropping below 60fps at all.
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Hi chaps, does anyone know the cause of this shadow bug? It's been there for me since day one. I've tried a few mods to fix it a while ago, but no effect.


Not RLO, although I might try it to see if it helps :)

This problem was there in vanilla so I suspect it is a card problem? I'm driver updated.
An ENB with detailed shadows would fix it. You could try an ENB and turn off every setting except detailed shadows. Maybe FPS wouldn't go down too much.
Started a new play through with Realvision ENB and im getting almost 6gb of RAM usage and windows keeps threatening to close the game. Is there anything i can do to lower it other than removing texture mods?
Started a new play through with Realvision ENB and im getting almost 6gb of RAM usage and windows keeps threatening to close the game. Is there anything i can do to lower it other than removing texture mods?

Have you installed the patches and fixes on the first page and within my guide?
Started a new play through with Realvision ENB and im getting almost 6gb of RAM usage and windows keeps threatening to close the game. Is there anything i can do to lower it other than removing texture mods?

Try lowering VideoMemorySizeMb= in enblocal.ini. Maybe try 3072/4096/5120
How much RAM do you have?


Have you installed the patches and fixes on the first page and within my guide?

I've got the unofficial patches and then mostly just followed the realvision page on nexus for installing stuff. I've activated the memory patch with SKSE too.

[Edit] Missed the post directly above. Would that not just effect VRAM though?
Married the Hag Raven inside have you? I think that's the place :).

Few mods that came out recently that might be of interest to some:

Different fences that don't get so many jaggies or as much "shimmering":

An ENB that keeps most the vanilla look and has a lot of effects off by default (less FPS hit) but adds in the ENB fixes like detailed shadows and ENB boost:
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Married the Hag Raven inside have you? I think that's the place :).

Few mods that came out recently that might be of interest to some:

Different fences that don't get so many jaggies or as much "shimmering":

An ENB that keeps most the vanilla look and has a lot of effects off by default (less FPS hit) but adds in the ENB fixes like detailed shadows and ENB boost:

She helped me kill a dragon and then turned on me, death animation sliced her hag head off! :D

I'll be adding the fences one, definitely look better than the vanilla ones, thanks! ENB will be useful for a fair few people as well, good find.
Never bothered with a tool for ENB installs. They are pretty easy to install/uninstall.

Those tools aren't about installing ENB's. They're about saving your current ENB install so you can try another one and then restore your original one should you wish. It's great for trying out several ENB's and restoring whichever one you decide on.
Ahhh, cunning. I must admit Natural Lighting and Atmospherics is starting to bug me. Lots of annoying things. Author hasn't updated it since March. Maybe I'll try another next play through.
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