Nexus is a better source for mods but personally I've stuck to the steam workshop for simplicity which has most though there are a few notable ones missing.
Ok thank you. I think Ill stick to Steam workshop too then if its working for others.
Plus I have no idea what Nexus is ha.
Do you guys spend more time modding than you do playing this game?
Saw a Farcry Primal video and thought I'd run around with a bow a bit - which I got very bored of quickly as I've not used bows and still at L15-16 with them - but got Skyrim looking quite nice now - just need something to tidy up the distance a bit - DOF doesn't seem to be working properly in the latest ENB :S
My poor GTX780 is literally crying... (though I think its more drawcall/API bottleneck).
I've been having a go at modding Skyrim: