Brexiters call pro-EU camp "project fear" - yet they themselves rely purely on almost childish optimism ("it's going to be ok, it just will") and base their entire argument on fear. Fear of the "foreigners stealing dem jewbs". Fear of Polish, Romanian, Turkish wildlings flooding the island "tomorrow" - ravaging the women, thieving work for low wage and filling up bedrooms 20 a bed until the last Briton falls of the cliff in Dover onto the sea from overcrowding. Fear of some sort of mythical masonic cabal of blue and golden starred flag waving countries playing evil political chess with Blighty, trying to weaken "her position" and strip the country from "her sovereignty" by imposing "laws made in Brussels". Terrible, nasty laws squeezing the very last drops of pommyness out of repressed Britons - the laws about uniform 'best before' labels on products and equal pay or worse yet - longer holidays (oh no, not the longer holidays, god please, noooo).
In Brexiter's mind the future, EU free, "sovereign Britain" will somehow stop European migration and impose visas (without affecting daily transit of goods and business), maybe even points system or at least stringent quotas on who can stay on the island and why. While Britons, in return, will of course roam free across the lands and be welcomed everywhere they want to go (preferably with flowers), because, well, that's a given, right - they're Britons, innit?
Brexiters presume that manufacturers, businesses and foreign investments that rely on trade with EU for survival will remain in Britain post Brexit, because, oh, I don't know - Britain is just so well known for being cheapest place in Europe and synonymous with dedication and discipline of the workforce that it would be stupid not to. Plus of course, they won't have to go away because EU (wait for it) will make a special case and exception for us. They will give us full access to the market, while not expecting us to pay anything, and without us having to comply with any uniform laws. And of course we won't let any unworthy European past our doorstep. They will do it all because they owe us. It's only fair. Or something.
If they won't do it immediately, don't worry - according to Brexiters Britain will always have an upper hand in negotiating "better terms" with EU common market (what are better terms than being unrestricted part of it btw, I don't know?) because "we are their biggest importer", you see? I don't fully understand that argument - I'm presuming that because we desperately need their products that's somehow an advantage? In other words - one sunny summer day Britain exits EU, the very next day British production quotas for anything from sugar, through milk to fish are divided between remaining nations, British protected products stop being protected, farmers stop getting agricultural subsidies, underperforming rural areas like Cornwall stop receiving EU regional development funds - and the island still need continental products to survive and have to buy them from abroad. Wait. What? Isn't that like the best gift you can give to the rest of the countries?
Should that fail, Britain could always try to become partner with Canada or US. I mean, US President says "amm.. you are at the back of the queue, we are not making any exceptions for you", but what does he know - he is on the way out. Plus, some third water advisor lady to one of the Bushes said on TV that it's going to be ok. Ish.
Borat two thumbs up for optimism and stuff, but gents - what the Farage is wrong with you lot? Are you really that xenophobic and scared of "dem job stealers" that you would just bet on coin toss between becoming European non entity like Iceland and staying as one of the funding members with veto powers within the biggest economic entity in history of the continent? Only because you fear it might be up to no good in the future?