Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Romanians were only granted freedom of movement in January 2014 and British citizenship requires 3-5 years of residence. Am I missing something here or are you telling porkies?

I know some Romanians have being here since 2004:confused:

They have citizenship, I think you're getting confused with freedom of movement with the right to stay and people actually moving over when they have correct visas / working visas and as such stay and gain citizenship.
Cannot watch the debate. The 3 IN members just overtalk the most interesting man(the only man) there, EVERYTIME he speaks, it was obviously a pre planned tactic. That Scottish witch thinks she's the Queen by being the only one who doesn't stop talking when she is told her time is up.

A shambles of a debate, if anyone votes stay after watching that, they are simply deranged.
I like how she wants freedom for Scotland but not freedom for everyone from the EU.

I don't understand her at all, and I supported Scottish independence. I'll stick to my original thought that having Sturgeon there is a huge own goal.Why are the stay people so shouty?
Cannot watch the debate. The 3 IN members just overtalk the most interesting man(the only man) there, EVERYTIME he speaks

They're always set up to favour the establishment. This is no different, they've put three women on remain to talk over Boris, he can't be seen to be rude to women on TV.

The ITV Cameron/Farage was set up so Cameron got on 2nd, if you're a floater what do you remember most, who went first or last?

Cameron also got to choose the format and who he went up against, just like he did in 2015.

People can't see the fix in in, just like the Scottish ref where the BBC was absolutely shamelessly biased (clear vested interest).

The establishment will get their way again and we'll all pay the price - as always.
Cannot watch the debate. The 3 IN members just overtalk the most interesting man(the only man) there, EVERYTIME he speaks

They're always set up to favour the establishment. This is no different, they've put three women on remain to talk over Boris, he can't be seen to be rude to women on TV.

The ITV Cameron/Farage was set up so Cameron got on 2nd, if you're a floater what do you remember most, who went first or last?

Cameron also got to choose the format and who he went up against, just like he did in 2015.

People can't see the fix in in, just like the Scottish ref where the BBC was absolutely shamelessly biased (clear vested interest).

The establishment will get their way again and we'll all pay the price - as always.

Surely the leave campaign need a better campaign then? One little TV debate shouldn't stop people voting out of they're campaign is up to scratch? :D

Romanians were only granted freedom of movement in January 2014 and British citizenship requires 3-5 years of residence. Am I missing something here or are you telling porkies?

Loads of Romanians came here before 2014 - they just had to get a visa or something to do so. The UK Border Agency did not turn down a single one.
God I utterly dislike the 3 women on the remain panel, especially Amber Rudd. They have no interest in talking about the issues at hand, all they want to do is repeatedly insult Boris or attack the leave campaign. Its a thoroughly negative way to debate. Its a classic example of ad hominem debate.
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