Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Is it wrong to have voted stay in, simply for the fact it appears the vast majority of outers appear to be scumbags? Nigel Farage, EDL types, BNPs Nick Griffin, Britain First etc and most of the vocal outers in this thread could be described as stormfront members.

I don't mean that in an offensive way, not really paid much attention to the referendum, just seems like people I despise want out. So maybe I should just vote in.
I met a fair few polish and Romanian lads on site who have citizenship and voting out. It's no reason not to vote leave having migrated from another European country.

The political union is ***** the trade block is good the two together don't work, whys it so optimistic to want to have a Europe trading but Jo be under political union

Your mates are very sensible, the type of migrants we want. The ones that embrace our culture. Shame people who didn't have to apply are clueless enough to vote IN.
Is it wrong to have voted stay in, simply for the fact it appears the vast majority of outers appear to be scumbags? Nigel Farage, EDL types, BNPs Nick Griffin, Britain First etc and most of the vocal outers in this thread could be described as stormfront members.

I don't mean that in an offensive way, not really paid much attention to the referendum, just seems like people I despise want out. So maybe I should just vote in.

Its not wrong to dislike those people - BTW Britain first, BNP and the EDL haven't been involved in this campaign as far as I can see - but it is wrong to make a choice over our membership of the EU because of that dislike.

Look at the issues, read the debates, and make up your own mind.
When has there been repeated referendums to 'get the right answer' where the deal on offer wasn't different? If a deal is rejected, what's wrong with offering different (better) terms and asking the question again?

Come on Moses, this has been said several times.

Ireland for one and Greece having elected officials removed.

No their is no other terms... The EU offers the terms agree or agree... Those are your only options.
Danish referendums on Maastricht, Irish referendums on the Treaty of Lisbon...

Both of those referendums was effectively after a renegotiation with very different terms. Opt-outs and guarantees.

You also leave out other referendums where there wasn't a second one.

Denmark and Sweden aren't in the Eurozone. The European Constitution fell through.

Greece is the only one where i can see the referendum result being ignored. That is only because Greece wasn't in a position to reject the deal (accept the money being handed to you, or go into economic oblivion on your own), a referendum was silly to begin with.
How many times do people need to be spoon-fed the details about the referendums in Ireland and Denmark before they stop parroting the idea that the EU made them re-run them until the 'right' answer was reached? If you get corrected on something and keep spouting it to support an argument then we're pretty much in the "facts don't matter to me" Boris Johnson territory.
The second Irish referendum was after they secured a better deal... they said no, got a better deal, then said yes to the new deal (by a convincing margin).

With Denmark they also voted on a different deal, after getting opt outs on economic and monetary union, union citizenship, justice and home affairs, and common defence. They said no, got a better deal, then said yes to a new deal (going from 49.3% support to 56.8% support).

The people said no, the EU was eager to bring more capital or rather a bigger capital base into the fold. This is evidenced by Irelands economic crash that required multiple bailouts.

The EU is not what it claims to be and the evidence is all around. The most glaring is that of Greece, it has assets leveraged to a bank!

Greece should have left the EU when it had the chance and forged ties with other nations that would have been willing to help. Russia I am sure would have been one such nation.
Tell me more about your assertion we'll be able to dictate terms to the EU when we say we're going to leave. I'm sure that'll be a riveting tale.

Because Germany is going to come cup in hand to ensure that they can keep selling to their 3rd biggest export market?
The people said no, the EU was eager to bring more capital or rather a bigger capital base into the fold. This is evidenced by Irelands economic crash that required multiple bailouts.

Do you even know what you are talking about? What does capital base mean to you?

The EU is not what it claims to be and the evidence is all around. The most glaring is that of Greece, it has assets leveraged to a bank!

Greece should have left the EU when it had the chance and forged ties with other nations that would have been willing to help. Russia I am sure would have been one such nation.

Greece instead of being helped by the EU should have gone to Russia for help? You think Russia would have given anything like the money the EU has on such favourable interest rates over such a long term?

Oh dear. You really don't have a clue.

Greece had the choice of accepting the deal, or defaulting and the government having no money overnight.
Do you even know what you are talking about? What does capital base mean to you?

Greece instead of being helped by the EU should have gone to Russia for help? You think Russia would have given anything like the money the EU has on such favourable interest rates over such a long term?

Oh dear. You really don't have a clue.

Greece had the choice of accepting the deal, or defaulting and the government having no money overnight.

I do know exactly what I am talking about thanks. Its not my job to bring you up to my level. It will be a hard climb but you'll get there.

Do you know what Russia's terms would have been? No thought not. But we do know some of the parameters of the Greek bailout conditions... Do you know what they are? No didn't think so.

What don't you understand about Greece was bankrupt! Greece have borrowed €303bn which is more than it was possible to pay. As Yanis Varofoukis said he looked at the offer knowing Greece was bankrupt. Watch his Oxford Union address you will learn more about the Greek situation in that 1hr than in a week of research.

This loan is looking likely to cave in and will only be met with assets leveraged against the debt.

Go learn something other than having the news tell you what is happening and what to think.
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