She completely lost it.
What happned
She completely lost it.
Look at the evidence, that amount we send is 40% of that figure, we do not send £350M a week, end of.
Look at the evidence, that amount we send is 40% of that figure, we do not send £350M a week, end of.
Haha, Boris sits Sturgeon down again.
Her comments hold no weight, it was only what, 2 years ago she wanted to turn her back on the UK.
Hahahah, Sturgeon getting owned again. Embarrassing.
This is cringy and incredibly boring.... Cant turn it off though....
Cannot watch the debate. The 3 IN members just overtalk the most interesting man(the only man) there, EVERYTIME he speaks
They're always set up to favour the establishment. This is no different, they've put three women on remain to talk over Boris, he can't be seen to be rude to women on TV.
The ITV Cameron/Farage was set up so Cameron got on 2nd, if you're a floater what do you remember most, who went first or last?
Cameron also got to choose the format and who he went up against, just like he did in 2015.
People can't see the fix in in, just like the Scottish ref where the BBC was absolutely shamelessly biased (clear vested interest).
The establishment will get their way again and we'll all pay the price - as always.
We don't control EU immigration at all, end of.
Boris owns this stage, absolutely owns it.
You realise the UK and the EU are different things right?
Think positive mate. The moderator made me sick. Boris got interrupted when he talked for literally 40 seconds, the in camp went ape **** because he was talking sense, the moderator said, "okay Boris okay" Boris stopped(even though he only had 40 seconds to speak) because he's a gentleman(and I vote labour, not after this), the moderator let big mouth sturgeon speak ****e for 2 minutes THEN let ANOTHER in person speak for at least 2 minutes? Will the public see through this scam?
It is a disgrace this country, media wise. The people who control this media circus should be thrown in hell(they'll get there eventually I guess).
What's that church in your pic?
When I say 'fix' this is what I mean. You are absolutely spot on.
I'll never vote Labour again after they stood with the Tories and big business etc on the EU.
He's a politician, what's your point?
St Helen's church, Darley Dale