Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Of course it is, we have to have necessarily harsher and more retrictive visa rules for non-EU migrants to compensate/offset the numbers coming in from the EU which we can't control.

Despite only comprising of 7% of the global population, EU migration makes up nearly half of all immigration here.

If EU citizens had to face the same visa conditions as everyone else, you could loosen the rules a little (thereby making it easier for Bangladeshi curry chefs to come over) AND reduce the number immigration figure at the same time.

The problem is that for the notion of us being forced to limiting non EU migration (due to the EU being a number that we can't control) to be accurate, it would follow that non-EU migrants are all fulfilling vital high-value roles, which just isn't reflected in the tax contribution figures that compare the two groups.

I believe that the government for years hasn't really been too bothered about migration because it made the headline economy figures look good, and when tackled on it, our EU membership was a convenient bogeyman. Unfortunately when that same government campaigns for remain it tends to smell a bit. I also don't believe that they would be purposely reducing migration in the event that we left the EU.
It's an argument for keeping any increase at a pace that allows services to also keep pace.

I said advertise and choose the best. I.e. the best of those who repsond.

Then I guess they don't want to work here that much if it's such a hassle, and wouldn't respond in the first place.

Not being able to bring your family along is a bit more than "hassle" to be fair.
Welcome to dealing with maladjusted ideologues.

Dude, it's unbelievable. I'm starting to question why I bother debating with these people.

Imagine a debate on TV that was getting serious and then one party just goes "well hey, you're stupid anyway and I'm guessing you're under the influence". What the?
The problem is that it's unlikely many would qualify give the wages on offer in restaurants aren't exactly great. I mean, you can have people with a decade of experience on £18k... you can have sous chefs on £22k... etc. That's certainly the sort of money you'd be talking down in the south west. In London people will obviously be on a fair chunk more, but nationally that £29 570 bar would exclude the vast majority of chefs (including head chefs).

But that is the sort of migration controls that people want to see. I just don't see the logic that says a post-Brexit government would be reducing these requirements after winning a referendum where a tough stance on immigration formed a central part of their campaign.
I said advertise and choose the best, i.e. the best of those who respond. Jeez, WTF is wrong with you people!

It's pretty clear that you don't fully understand the work visa process and the affect it would have on people looking to work here as well as the employers hiring staff and are just making it up as you go along. Your original sentiment was "we'll advertise and take the best" as though you think somehow that barriers designed to limit immigration wouldn't be seen as an obstacle to people wanting to work here.

You've spent the thread calling for lower migration and describing them as rapists, it's a bit much to claim that when you say you want to control migration that you don't mean less of it.

Edit: Oh, charming.
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Nice bit of fun :p

Cultural retard on the bow, "ficke ficke!" holy cow spot on, SPOT ON!! :D :D
So this is the question at hand, I can't quite believe how passionate people are about it. This, this is the source of most of the problems in this country?
Leave or stay, nothing much will change.
Leave. Companies will account for it, keyboards will be replaced, and you'll have a Government that really won't care for, well anything except for getting by.
Stay and you'll have companies that will account for it, same old keyboard and a Government that really won't care for, well anything except for getting by.

We make this about us, none of it really has been. This isn't collective representation, this is me-myself-I, just like your politician does to you.

Expenses scandal, oh hello there.
Welcome to dealing with maladjusted ideologues.

Dude, it's unbelievable. I'm starting to question why I bother debating with these people.

Imagine a debate on TV that was getting serious and then one party just goes "well hey, you're stupid anyway and I'm guessing you're under the influence". What the?

I'm starting to think some of them are just posting as a wind up now. It doesn't matter what you say, what polls you post, what proof you have, they'll just say you're wrong... :p
I can't believe anybody could possibly be undecided on this vote, they are the sort of people who in life can never decided what to do, are full of anxiety and insecurity and must find it hard in the morning deciding whether to get up or not.

If you really can't make such a simple decision best to not vote at all.

The only people who think this is a simple decision to make are simpletons themselves
Despite only comprising of 7% of the global population, EU migration makes up nearly half of all immigration here.

This seems a bit of a bizarre comparison to make. Most of the skilled migration we would want and, in fact, a lot of the "unskilled" is going to require skills that are lot easier to find among the rich, educated, developed world than among the rest of the population so we'd expect a lot more immigration from EU countries than they make up a %age of the world. And then there's the fact that most immigration is relatively local: people are more likely to move into countries in their neighbourhood than journey across the world.
Lol, have you seen when that was published? 5.07 am this morning....If you google it only about 3 websites have this 'news' so far....but no, not reporting something within 2 hours....CONSPIRACY!!!!11 :D

Phew.... I thought it was just me!!! :p
Heard it on Sky News early this morning, very interesting if true...

Turkey plans to release MILLIONS of migrants if the EU doesn’t grant it visa-free travel

Yet, not a sniff of it on the Beeb.

I thought it was Schengen they would have access to, rather than the entire EU.
Hard to believe the express, they said it would snow last week, and promised drought the week before. They also have had several stories of what people have discovered on mars. Like Jesus, water, toast, animals, and other toss.
Even if the story was real, they cry wolf on so many pages, they make themselves an unreliable source.

I would assume this is why no-one else in the entire world has reported this particular story about Millions ready to be released.
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