Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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All that will happen on the 24th is this place will be filled with 'We're doomed' posts from whichever side didn't win.

Thing is - if we leave, and things do go to ****, it would be a total nightmare to get back in, god knows how long it would take or how much it would cost.

If we stay, and things do in fact go to **** in say 5 years time, surely we can pull out whenever it suits us - if it went to **** so bad, who's to say we'd even need another referendum, we could just leave anyway - if it got so bad?
All I know is a fee local businesses who depend end export are going to have a hard time keeping up if we leave the EU.

But hey ho

Not necessarily since we would be able to make trade deals with countries outside of the EU directly. Right now all our trade has to go through the EU. So it may even be better in the long run.
Not necessarily since we would be able to make trade deals with countries outside of the EU directly. Right now all our trade has to go through the EU. So it may even be better in the long run.

But we don't do anywhere as near much trade with these countries that we have this as-yet imaginary trade deals with.
But we don't do anywhere as near much trade with these countries that we have this as-yet imaginary trade deals with.

Because old trade deals had to be ended and funnelled through the EU. We still have agreements with Commonwealth countries, but they want the UK to cut those as well (the EU sees the Commonwealth as competition, they don't like it).
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Not saying this is my own view but does anyone else think if the government had actually listened to peoples immigration worries and fears over the last 10-15 years and done something about it we wouldn't be in this mess at all?
Turkey joining the EU isn't really a relevant issues.
Visa free travel for Turks might be relevant, depending on what it means.
One can be certain the leave campaign will spin this in any way they wish, and one can be certain the remain campaign will refuse to answer the question, or worse fudge it and lie.

Again an actual topic all wrapped up in mess. Part of the Turkey play off, is the overall state of Europe when looking East towards Russia, and how they'd rather stack various allies, and place pawns. Again, no one will mention this, as it clearly isn't the done thing. Turkey are seen a friendly, (despite their treatment of the Kurds) as they are not pro-Russian, and the EU, Britain included don't want to make massive waves at the moment, as a migrant stream is stemmed by Turkey, and they do not wish to disrupt that little bit of respite currently.

There is zero chance they will be within the EU in the next decade. Zero. As for further forward, who knows, I don't see it in 20 years, but then we don't have a clue how this ISIS mess is going to play out longer term.

It is another diversion, and detracts for actual issues.
Should Turks get Visa free travel here? Probably not.
Will our government commit to that? Not a chance.
Will the EU allow them Visa free travel to Schengen? Yup.
Won't happen until after the vote.

This nation is bitterly divided over this vote, but issues are abundant that neither side has actually stated factual reasons for their stance, or sought to explain cons on their side, just fear, more fear, more fear, from both sides.
This entire Turkey BS is purely an exercise in fear.

One vote, to divide a nation, and it'll be everyone the worse for it afterwards. I am beginning to think it would be better if leave wins, as if we vote to remain, the amount of yapping and bitching we will have to put up with over the next 20 years will be almost intolerable.
Any vote that is 50/50 won't resolve a thing.

The issue no one is talking about but should is the fact that Turkey has always been the gateway to the Islamic empire.

Rightly or wrongly, people are still unsure of how fully and lasting integration will happen with folk who have been here several generations, let alone a country with a pretty poor human rights record, poor border control and a whole slew of other issues.

I think leave is a viable option because for all the politicians blustering, everyone knows the EU will not survive if the UK leaves. I reckon it could actually strengthen relations within the EU in the long term.

Regardless of we vote to stay in, we're never going to get a good deal from the EU. Hell just the headache they've been given over this referendum is enough to ensure that! We've never fully committed and I think it's better if we were more honest about it.
Not necessarily since we would be able to make trade deals with countries outside of the EU directly. Right now all our trade has to go through the EU. So it may even be better in the long run.

The top 10 UK exports of 2015 are listed here.

Over half of these exports go to the EU more than likely due to preferential trade agreements which we would lose if we left.

Outside the EU we will then be competing alone against the other significant markets to offer these exports (China, USA etc) to EU countries.

How is that a better, more economically secure arrangement? We are an economically strong nation now because we are in the EU. Leaving removes a key advantage we currently have over other major export nations.
Not saying this is my own view but does anyone else think if the government had actually listened to peoples immigration worries and fears over the last 10-15 years and done something about it we wouldn't be in this mess at all?

What immigration are you referring to exactly?

Free movement of people within the EU, or immigration from outside of the EU?
Not saying this is my own view but does anyone else think if the government had actually listened to peoples immigration worries and fears over the last 10-15 years and done something about it we wouldn't be in this mess at all?

Not sure,

People are always ranting about immigration being the root cause of all evil, when common sense and a cool head would dictate that it probably isn't... It's probably quite good for us, when all things are considered.

And lol, people keep forgetting that leaving the EU won't make any real difference to immigration in terms of actual people coming here from overseas, the actual composition of where they come from might change - but they'll still come, because we can't continue with our current high standard of living without them.
I think both to be honest. Started with the Polish, then Romanians, now Syrians etc etc.

Instead of addressing what people were actually worried about, rightly or wrongly, they seem to have just ignored the issue and continually swept it under the rug. That is until the last year or 2 when it really seems to have come to a head. In my eyes some people have just had enough and will vote leave on this issue alone. A lot of people seem to finally see this as a chance of getting a say in the matter.
Not saying this is my own view but does anyone else think if the government had actually listened to peoples immigration worries and fears over the last 10-15 years and done something about it we wouldn't be in this mess at all?

If the government had actually treated the general population as people who could be trusted with facts then we wouldn't have three decades of blaming the EU bogeyman for our own policy failures and if we'd ever got to the point of a referendum it wouldn't have been fought with such ridiculous lies from both sides of the divide.

Listening to people's fears and acting on them is not a justifiable course of action of those fears are not a reasonable position to be taking. You'd risk the country being steered by whatever the Express and Daily Heil wanted to whip people up into a frenzy about if you did that.
Just had the chairman of the EU budget commission on BBC who admitted the budget renegotiation has been held back until the referendum is over.
The pro EU FT have also published today that a huge amount of contentious legislation has also been delayed until June the 24th.

As normal the EU playing us for fools.
Just had the chairman of the EU budget commission on BBC who admitted the budget renegotiation has been held back until the referendum is over.
The pro EU FT have also published today that a huge amount of contentious legislation has also been delayed until June the 24th.

As normal the EU playing us for fools.

Over the course of the past four to five months ive gone from leave, to remain, to indifference, all thanks to the unending tidal wave of FUD thrown about by both sides, on the plus side at least now I don't have to bother voting.
A lot of the 'red tape' you talk about is Health and Safety of foods and food produce.

some of it is and I'm ok with that as i have to eat food as well.
A lot of it is not, this year they send me a map of my farm showing all the fields, hedges, drains. i then had to spend 2 days colouring in the map, with different colours showing the different hedges, drains and send it back to them, nothing at all to do with food safety. i also had to go to carfe (farmer training) to do a coarse to keep my licence up to date. they send me a letter to bring with me, when i arrived i had to show it to 3 different people who took the info that they send me, off the letter even tho they send me the info in the first place, off which the charged me £280 for the pleasure off doing it, again nothing to do with Food safety.

The last Big food safety scare was the Horse meat scandal which had nothing to do with farmers in this country but Supermarkets buying cheap meat to boost their profits, too hell with customer health. and guess what not one person did jail time, yet local to me a 70 year old farmer got a suspended prison term cause he fill in his herd records wrong
Just had the chairman of the EU budget commission on BBC who admitted the budget renegotiation has been held back until the referendum is over.
The pro EU FT have also published today that a huge amount of contentious legislation has also been delayed until June the 24th.

As normal the EU playing us for fools.

Been known for a while now :/

Apparently EU wide pensions and VAT are in there. Most places pay more VAT than us so you can guess which way that one will go.
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