Turkey joining the EU isn't really a relevant issues.
Visa free travel for Turks might be relevant, depending on what it means.
One can be certain the leave campaign will spin this in any way they wish, and one can be certain the remain campaign will refuse to answer the question, or worse fudge it and lie.
Again an actual topic all wrapped up in mess. Part of the Turkey play off, is the overall state of Europe when looking East towards Russia, and how they'd rather stack various allies, and place pawns. Again, no one will mention this, as it clearly isn't the done thing. Turkey are seen a friendly, (despite their treatment of the Kurds) as they are not pro-Russian, and the EU, Britain included don't want to make massive waves at the moment, as a migrant stream is stemmed by Turkey, and they do not wish to disrupt that little bit of respite currently.
There is zero chance they will be within the EU in the next decade. Zero. As for further forward, who knows, I don't see it in 20 years, but then we don't have a clue how this ISIS mess is going to play out longer term.
It is another diversion, and detracts for actual issues.
Should Turks get Visa free travel here? Probably not.
Will our government commit to that? Not a chance.
Will the EU allow them Visa free travel to Schengen? Yup.
Won't happen until after the vote.
This nation is bitterly divided over this vote, but issues are abundant that neither side has actually stated factual reasons for their stance, or sought to explain cons on their side, just fear, more fear, more fear, from both sides.
This entire Turkey BS is purely an exercise in fear.
One vote, to divide a nation, and it'll be everyone the worse for it afterwards. I am beginning to think it would be better if leave wins, as if we vote to remain, the amount of yapping and bitching we will have to put up with over the next 20 years will be almost intolerable.
Any vote that is 50/50 won't resolve a thing.