Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I thought it was Schengen they would have access to, rather than the entire EU.
Hard to believe the express, they said it would snow last week, and promised drought the week before. They also have had several stories of what people have discovered on mars. Like Jesus, water, toast, animals, and other toss.
Even if the story was real, they cry wolf on so many pages, they make themselves an unreliable source.

I would assume this is why no-one else in the entire world has reported this particular story about Millions ready to be released.

From the Sunday Times it appears more than just Schengen: -

According to the telegrams, senior diplomats have advised ministers that the proposed EU deal with Turkey on visa-free travel within the Schengen area could lead the UK to consider extending the same privilege to up to 1.5m “special passport holders” from Turkey.

Sunday Times: Leaked UK plan to open doors for 1m Turks
and seeing as no ones got a clue about how many illegals we have as we keep losing them down the back of the couch that wont matter :D
These Turkish 'special passports' are only given to IS militants and child rapists don't you know. Can't be having them coming over here for their summer holidays in Whitby.

Vote out!
I'm not looking for more, as i said in or our the sub's are going, if we stay in i'll be bogged down in red tape, if we leave it open the UK to a lot of unsafe food, the only think i would ask for and this isn't just for farming but all industry is that if it being imported in, it must meet the same health and safety and environment standards as the stuff made/grown in the UK

A lot of the 'red tape' you talk about is Health and Safety of foods and food produce.
Dish face just asked on Andrew Marr if will he use a veto on Turkey joining the EU but as usual refused to answer which means the veto is immaterial as it won't be used.
The very idea that a country that is showering money on Turkey to help it join but would then veto it is simply ridiculous.
A bit like brexit could cause a recession, brexit could cause job losses, brexit could cause war, brexit could affect pensions, brexit could give you cancer.

All far worse 'coulds' than 1.5 million professional Turks given visa free travel to the UK ;)
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Dish face just asked on Andrew Marr if will he use a veto on Turkey joining the EU but as usual refused to answer which means the veto is immaterial as it won't be used.
The very idea that a country that is showering money on Turkey to help it join but would then veto it is simply ridiculous.

Turkey joining the EU isn't really a relevant issues.
Visa free travel for Turks might be relevant, depending on what it means.
One can be certain the leave campaign will spin this in any way they wish, and one can be certain the remain campaign will refuse to answer the question, or worse fudge it and lie.

Again an actual topic all wrapped up in mess. Part of the Turkey play off, is the overall state of Europe when looking East towards Russia, and how they'd rather stack various allies, and place pawns. Again, no one will mention this, as it clearly isn't the done thing. Turkey are seen a friendly, (despite their treatment of the Kurds) as they are not pro-Russian, and the EU, Britain included don't want to make massive waves at the moment, as a migrant stream is stemmed by Turkey, and they do not wish to disrupt that little bit of respite currently.

There is zero chance they will be within the EU in the next decade. Zero. As for further forward, who knows, I don't see it in 20 years, but then we don't have a clue how this ISIS mess is going to play out longer term.

It is another diversion, and detracts for actual issues.
Should Turks get Visa free travel here? Probably not.
Will our government commit to that? Not a chance.
Will the EU allow them Visa free travel to Schengen? Yup.
Won't happen until after the vote.

This nation is bitterly divided over this vote, but issues are abundant that neither side has actually stated factual reasons for their stance, or sought to explain cons on their side, just fear, more fear, more fear, from both sides.
This entire Turkey BS is purely an exercise in fear.

One vote, to divide a nation, and it'll be everyone the worse for it afterwards. I am beginning to think it would be better if leave wins, as if we vote to remain, the amount of yapping and bitching we will have to put up with over the next 20 years will be almost intolerable.
Any vote that is 50/50 won't resolve a thing.
Yes we don't have anybody capable of negotiating anything here as we're such a tiny insignificant place, what an absolutely stupid thing to say that this country doesn't know how to negotiate with others.

Item number 21

' Since the UK has not negotiated FTAs on its own behalf for over 40 years, the
Government does not currently possess the knowledge or capacity to manage such a
large-scale undertaking. It would have to acquire it in a hurry and to scale. This would
be relished by international legal firms who would benefit from a substantial temporary
consultancy requirement until this capacity could be provided by HMG itself. '

Stupid is it?

Lol, no comeback to that John?

Or I assume you think you know better than the parliamentary report stating we don't have the expertise for something of this complexity.

It seriously comes over that you guys think all we'll do on the 24th is get on the blower to all these other countries and get a purchase order for our goods, and agree there and then to drop all current tariffs and make the deal. Then it's feet on the desk, rub your hands and congratulate yourself for a job well done :D
All I know is a fee local businesses who depend end export are going to have a hard time keeping up if we leave the EU.

But hey ho
All that will happen on the 24th is this place will be filled with 'We're doomed' posts from whichever side didn't win.
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