Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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They can but they wont because it doesn't serve their interests!


You have to be ******* with me. The British Trump who promises to make Britain great again.

I'd rather have Theresa May and i don't have a single good thing to say about her!

What's the problem with making Britain Great again? Cameron and Osbourne won't. Boris has more brains in his little finger than those two con artists put together. They have caused so much damage to public services, austerity cuts galore, which would continue even if we stay in the eu, it's the way they roll.
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Bob Geldof sneering at fisherman who want their livelihoods back. Is this the remain campaign in a nutshell?

The fishing industry would thrive again if we get our sea back. Most of the ex-fisherman are now taxi drivers, so if they go back to their trade that will free up more jobs.
The fishing industry would thrive again if we get our sea back. Most of the ex-fisherman are now taxi drivers, so if they go back to their trade that will free up more jobs.

It was thriving so much it nearly wiped out north sea fish stocks, hence the entire reasoning behind the quota system.

I'm all for fishermen doing well and getting their old jobs back, but it isnt going to be the end of the quota system as they'll just fish the **** out of it again and be in exactly the same position yet again 10-15-20 years down the line.

Its stupid to assume that overnight thousands of taxi drivers will become fishermen again and earn £££££ per day purely because we aren't in the EU.
It was thriving so much it nearly wiped out north sea fish stocks, hence the entire reasoning behind the quota system.

I'm all for fishermen doing well and getting their old jobs back, but it isnt going to be the end of the quota system as they'll just fish the **** out of it again and be in exactly the same position yet again 10-15-20 years down the line.

Its stupid to assume that overnight thousands of taxi drivers will become fishermen again and earn £££££ per day purely because we aren't in the EU.

Indeed, lets not screw the environment in the process, because we know from previous experience, that's not a good idea.
What's the problem with making Britain Great again? Cameron and Osbourne won't. Boris has more brains in his little finger than those two con artists that have caused so much damage to public services, austerity cuts galore, which would continue even if we stay in the eu, it's the way they roll.

There is no guarantee they still won't try it, disguising it as consequences for leaving the EU. They won't want to lose face in the threats they made about leaving the EU, so naturally for them it makes sense to try and carry out what they at least threatened would happen, regardless of whether necessary or not.
The fishing industry would thrive again if we get our sea back. Most of the ex-fisherman are now taxi drivers, so if they go back to their trade that will free up more jobs.

Err no. The cause of the problems of the fishing industry lie with the fishing industry. Back in the 70's and 80's mainly but still today they were using netting that catches juvenile fish. The classic was the herring shoals that came down the West coast of Scotland. They were caught and sold/loaded onto East European factory boats. After a few years of this the shoals obviously disappeared. The fishermen blamed the seals and the seagulls for the loss and wanted a cull on these species. The real culprit was staring them in the face every time they looked in the bathroom mirror. Themselves. Overfishing.
New boats with hew technology also helped fishermen locate shoals ensuring more were caught. This canard about foreign fishermen in British waters fails to mention that this was a reciprocal arrangement, we got to fish in their waters. No sympathy for the fishermen, they are the authors of their own demise.
Isn't it funny how the two regions with the most to gain from an out vote - London and Scotland - are the most pro-EU and the regions with the most to lose - the north, south west and south Wales - are the most anti-EU.

People have been suffering for ages anyway with services cut, livelihoods decimated and living conditions destroyed all because of decisions made by others (governments, banks, etc.). None of that suffering was caused by "people", and the decision on how to fix it was made by others.

Suffering a little bit more (if indeed there is some economic knock on effect) for something you actually believe in to hopefully in the long term regain control and improve on some of the situations outlined above is preferable for the majority of these people. It's not all about the economy or money all the time (unless you're a ****** in London expensing your fine Whiskey)
I'm still voting leave, as a farmers son I don't like having 'The Rules' behind most of my work policies being written miles away, far too much red tape.

Yes, we get our Farm Subsidies totalling around £6000. I'd rather lose that than continue down the path we're going.

I'm self employed and couldn't give a monkeys about 'Protecting Jobs' and 'Working Hours' it's all a load of scaremongering nonsense, the only ones voting to remain in my eyes are the ones with a comfortable lifestyle that fear change. I'll freely raise my hand and call myself a poorly educated countryside person, so please inform me as to how leaving the EU will cause the country to spiral into the dark ages.
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I'm not sure what point the cretin Geldorf is trying to make, other than that he is an idiotic, charmless and quite offensive bit of work.

Luckily, his nonsense will have added a few more percent to the leave vote.


The Ukip leader said the singer's actions were "just disgusting".

It's hard to disagree. Shame Geldorf's boat didn't sink on the Thames today.
I was on the fence, but now I think I'm in. It just offers a lot more security for the type of work I want to get in to. All of the big questions are basically unknowns, but I feel that we are slightly safer sticking with what we know, even if it is slightly less than ideal.
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