Well, the pound went up 3-4% in just today off theback of the polls which indicated we would stay within the EU, this is following the slow slide in past weeks as Brexit looked more likely.
Bar the last minute nerves that voters get, which would favour Remain, I do believe that the murder of the young MP that virtually no one had actually heard of previously, is a major factor in everyone sitting up and thinking that vote Remain might be their decision, for reasons they don't quite understand. Her death seems to have solidified the entire Remain vote, and I don't think it is collective guilt, more a case of collective sympathy and finding something to attach that sympathy to, in this case a vote where both campaigns have been divisive and negative.
Jeremy Vine today had that press chap from the times (Matthew Paris) on, and the conservative MEP (Daniel Hannan)who speaks well on, and both put forward well articulated arguments in favour of first Remain and then Leave. It was good to listen to, and beat away all the repeated divvel we've heard for months and months now.
Frankly if either campaign had just led with this man, on either side, they've have won this hands down by making the other side look like deranged slobber fools.
Also I noticed Baroness Quitter quit again today, left the Leave Brexit Campaign calling it racist and went to remain. I pondered for a while if this was a strategic move orchestrated from the start, and then realised her moving might actually hurt Remain, as frankly I wouldn't vote for anything she supported.