I absolutely get that. For anything less significant I wouldn't disagree. But for something this significant, the outcome of which will impact generations yet unborn, the public need to decide.
I totally understand your point of view, but on the flip side, surely you recognise that for something this significant and important, there is a certain amount of due diligence required on the part of the people empowered with the vote to ensure they they properly understand the situation and the implication of their decision? This does not seem to be the case from what I've seen.
There are some excellent arguments being made by the leave campaigners in this thread and whilst I don't agree with all of them, I recognise and admire the effort that people are putting into researching and arguing their position. But for every well reasoned reply, there's responses like the one below which don't give any confidence that the poster has put any sort of rational thought into the decision other than lapping up tabloid scaremongering about immigration levels.
The eu is a big bad monster, look at the mess its in. It'll soon be over run with migrants. Your deluded to think any different.
Vote IN & it's the end of the UK.
I understand that it could well be little more than trolling, but if it's not and if I was supporting a Leave vote, frankly I would find such posts embarrassing and be worried that they actually undermine and drown out the reasoned arguments from my side.
And anecdotally this is not a trend limited to this forum, from what I've experienced. There is an old schoolmate on my Facebook friends list, who is regularly sharing propaganda from various Leave campaign pages. He shared one such article the other day that referenced an article about how easy people traffickers were finding it to smuggle people into the UK due to an under funded Border Force and our proximity to the mainland, and had a shouty comment like "More problems caused by our Open Borders with the EU. Vote LEAVE to end this madness!!" or somehting. I decided to reply and pointed out that the article in question actually made no link to the problem being caused by our EU membership, that we didn't in fact have open borders and asked him quite how he expected leaving the EU to solve such problems, given that we weren't actually going to be physically moving the entire country further from the mainland. There was a little back and forth and in the end he basically shrugged off my argument saying "at the end of the day, you believe the lies from Remain and I'll believe the ones from Leave and we'll vote accordingly!" (or words to that effect, basically).
I didn't respond, but it made me angry, because he pretty much openly admitted that he knew that what he was reading was tripe that could be exposed as little more than hysteric propaganda with five minutes of critical thought, yet he was happy to share and base his decision on it regardless.
In conclusion, whilst I totally understand the need to be democratic and I see your point, in a way, I actually kind of sympathise with Dawkins' point of view. What scares me most is not whether we vote to Leave, or whether we vote to Remain, but whether we make the decision ensuring that we give it the serious thought and consideration that it deserves; from what I've seen so far, a huge amount of people aren't doing that.