My name is David Cameron and my aim is to destroy Britain as you know and love it.
That is why I have admitted 650,000 newcomers and 65,000 asylum seekers in the last 12 months alone and I have made it easy for illegals to enter the country and remain forever. I will of course repeat this policy this year and every year during my premiership.
Up and down the country, I am told that my plans are working perfectly as people find they are becoming 'Strangers Where They Live'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new... and I am delighted my Defence Minister, Michael Fallon, has told me that our towns and cities are being enrichingly 'swamped with immigrants'
As the 'Heir to Blair', I am proud to be continuing the pro immigration policies adopted by my close friends in the Labour Party and to be able to develop such ideas to extinguish 'Britishness' wherever it may be found. That is why I have abolished many of the planning rules in order to build huge anonymous new towns and cities in what was the unnecessary and socially divisive English countryside
I will soon be holding the long awaited confirmation of my views and opinions that Britain should remain an EU member forever and I will personally ensure that the Remain campaign is full of lies and propaganda to obtain the highly desirable Remain outcome, thereby wiping the floor with a blonde haired mop.
As you will understand from the foregoing, I am extremely excited about the forthcoming abolition of Britain and 'Britishness' by the enrichers and by my friends in the European Union who have assured me that a new name has already been decided for these very small inconsequential islands..
Consequently, to further the re-writing of British history and the destruction of British traditions, they have chosen 'EU Sector North West' which must now be written below your postcode or your mail will no longer be delivered.
God Save The President of the EU Commission. Rule Jean Claude Juncker.
Yours sincerely
David Cameron
Governor General EU NW - Designate.