The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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5 Nov 2005
Voted in..... happy with decision.....I have no confidence that we can do better on our own and don't think leave team have a clue...just slogans.....also don't really want to be "That guy" of Europe..... anyway all opinions are fine and please don't have me shot for treason if leave win...
13 Nov 2013
The latter side only looks at the stats and does not consider the qualitative aspect. They only care about how much money the country is making rather than who is making it. Every vocal expert has a vested interest and does not represent the British everyman.

The British everyman... is not fit to take this type of decision. Why do you think we elect people? Do you think that time when your mechanic mechanic messed your transmission was bad? How would you like to see him mess up the country's monetary policy?!
8 Oct 2008
In Lockdown England
Voted in..... happy with decision.....I have no confidence that we can do better on our own and don't think leave team have a clue...just slogans.....also don't really want to be "That guy" of Europe..... anyway all opinions are fine and please don't have me shot for treason if leave win...

No shouting down. Afraid that is remain tactics.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I'm happy with my leave vote. I'm sure it won't win, but I did it anyway. Even told a remain voter to cover his 'I'm IN' t shirt up before he got to the polling station, in case they wouldn't let him vote.
Everyone should vote, the way they think best.
I'm more worried about the future now than I was last week though. I'm pretty sure all the recriminations and gloating aren't going to help either.
27 Dec 2009
Although not an avid user of Facebook, I just took a look at my page to see if there was any pencilgate fun. The story is being consistently mocked except by a few "friends" that are expressing outrage and saying the vote is fixed in favour of Remain. It seems beyond a coincidence that none of those complaining are exactly intellectual giants. It rather reinforces the stereotype of people that don't really understand what is going on voting Leave because they get their information from the Daily Express.
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21 Nov 2004
The British everyman... is not fit to take this type of decision. Why do you think we elect people? Do you think that time when your mechanic mechanic messed your transmission was bad? How would you like to see him mess up the country's monetary policy?!

Well we elected people who made the decision to have a referendum - it works both ways if you're going to make the argument of delegating to politicians. David Cameron has already said being out of the EU can work.
25 Jul 2003
Just been to exercise my right, nay ... to do my duty and vote. Very busy at the polling station, queued for around 15 minutes - two youngsters in front of me weren't registered so weren't able to vote, shame for them. Believe it or not, I'd actually had a few jitters throughout the day about which way to vote, but as I got to polling desk and placed my deliberate, defiant and definite X in the Leave box I knew in my heart and my head that I'd done the right thing, and that if victorious, I had played my part in securing a bright future for my niece and nephew and all the other children of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

When's the film coming out?
29 Oct 2004
Accept that's your opinion, but I and the migrants flooding here disagree with you.

Why the word "hate" it always seems to come up with lefty slurs. I just love this Country, I want to make it better. I don't want uncontrolled visa free access. Our system is straining. The NHS needs more funding but Cam and chums will not allocate more. We need more schools , with good teachers. I want to do these things with the people who currently live here, for Britian itself. Take the best and most needed immigrants. Not just come on over.

Hope that clarifies things.

Ok, maybe I should have said dislike as hate is pretty strong.

I think a key issue is the one you've highlighted in your post. A lot of the issues we're facing are rooted almost entirely in domestic policy - leaving the EU will not turn around our healthcare or education system (*in my opinion, as I don't have a crystal ball either).
13 Jun 2011
Voted leave.

No real problem with immigrants if they come to work (the ones we need) but weve got enough english/welsh/irish/scottish scroungers without having non working europeans to look after aswell.
8 Oct 2008
In Lockdown England
Ok, maybe I should have said dislike as hate is pretty strong.

I think a key issue is the one you've highlighted in your post. A lot of the issues we're facing are rooted almost entirely in domestic policy - leaving the EU will not turn around our healthcare or education system (*in my opinion, as I don't have a crystal ball either).

Fair play. All I can say is completely agree leaving the EU, striking up our own trade deals will together make more funds available for these causes.
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