The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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8 Mar 2007
Whilst I voted 'Leave', I'm getting a bit embarrassed by my fellow voters pushing this Pencilgate line. They're forgetting that....

A) It's a lot cheaper to buy 200k pencils than 200k ball-point pens.

B) Pen marked papers can also be 'corrected' without spoiling the ballot paper.

C) Pencils have been used is all previous elections.

D) It's far easier to pay one guy to switch a box of real papers with pre-filled ones than it is to pay a team of people and arm them with erasers to modify actual ones..
21 Nov 2004
Came back from the polling station. Voted Leave, having my conscience clear and I will sleep easy for the rest of my life, knowing that did my duty to Queen and country, as per the oath I gave to complete my naturalization process. (because some are not hypocrites)

Now off to the cinema for Independence Day :D

If only more people thought like this.
13 Nov 2013
Oh come off it. Both sides were as bad as each other in that respect.

This type of relativism mixed with whataboutery is getting really, really old. No, both sides were not as bad as each other.

One side is fueled by nativism/xenophobia or traditionalism/empire melancholia, little to no facts, proven to be wrong statistics, little/no expert support and backed by a few fringe politicians. The other is fueled by risk aversion, much more accurate statistics, overwhelming expert support and it is backed by the whole bloody world.

Yes you can nitpick and find crazies on the Remain side too but generally speaking, it is the sane position no matter how you twist things.
8 Mar 2007
That's what made me nearly vote remain as well. The EU is full of idiots, but they are not as idiotic as our lot. The only sticking point with me, is that even if we have idiots running the country we are able to vote them out and get another load of idiots in.

Yet this is an odd mentality to me. Basically you prefer a dictatorship you agree with than an elected government you don't. This seems very selfish and short-term thinking to me.
8 Oct 2008
In Lockdown England
Whilst I voted 'Leave', I'm getting a bit embarrassed by my fellow voters pushing this Pencilgate line. They're forgetting that....

A) It's a lot cheaper to buy 200k pencils than 200k ball-point pens.

B) Pen marked papers can also be 'corrected' without spoiling the ballot paper.

C) Pencils have been used is all previous elections.

D) It's far easier to pay one guy to switch a box of real papers with pre-filled ones than it is to pay a team of people and arm them with erasers to modify actual ones..

Yes totally agree. However I think it's just a weird way of our voters passion to get Britian back on the right path.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Leave is going to be the ultimate bargaining chip we can have. I do hope we get it. It would be great to avoid corruption and lobbying susceptible EU. The diesel disaster is one of many things caused by the EU.

The EU is centralising government more and it is only going to harm the UK. Juncker already feels the EU is too diluted and wants more EU control. This is scary!
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30 May 2009
Surely the mods don't believe that they will get in trouble for running a poll? It's an Internet forum for computer geeks (I include myself in that). No one cares.

It's not the mods. People from OcUK asked that the poll be removed. It is technically reporting how people voted, and that isn't allowed.

It will probably be posted again after the polls close.
8 Oct 2008
In Lockdown England
Came back from the polling station. Voted Leave, having my conscience clear and I will sleep easy for the rest of my life, knowing that did my duty to Queen and country, as per the oath I gave to complete my naturalization process. (because some are not hypocrites)

Now off to the cinema for Independence Day :D

You go Panos. You enjoy that movie.
8 Mar 2007
This type of relativism mixed with whataboutery is getting really, really old. No, both sides were not as bad as each other.

One side is fueled by nativism/xenophobia or traditionalism/empire melancholia, little to no facts, proven to be wrong statistics, little/no expert support and backed by a few fringe politicians. The other is fueled by risk aversion, much more accurate statistics, overwhelming expert support and it is backed by the whole bloody world.

Yes you can nitpick and find crazies on the Remain side too but generally speaking, it is the sane position no matter how you twist things.

That's not how I see it. I will criticize leave for not painting the full picture and being disingenuous at times but technically most of the things they said were true.

£350m is SENT to the EU every week. They should have mentioned the net figure I agree but pedantically speaking that statement is true and not "a lie".

I've also seen remain knock down plenty of strawmen and tell lies themselves.
18 Oct 2002
This type of relativism mixed with whataboutery is getting really, really old. No, both sides were not as bad as each other.

One side is fueled by nativism/xenophobia or traditionalism/empire melancholia, little to no facts, proven to be wrong statistics, little/no expert support and backed by a few fringe politicians. The other is fueled by risk aversion, much more accurate statistics, overwhelming expert support and it is backed by the whole bloody world.

Yes you can nitpick and find crazies on the Remain side too but generally speaking, it is the sane position no matter how you twist things.

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