The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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29 Oct 2004
Of course experience. Oh Man. #remainuined.

I must need to work on my mind reading skills. Please accept my sincerest apologies for not already knowing your life story and asking a question.

Our experiences are clearly very different. I was just trying to figure out why you seem to hate everything about other European countries when there are objectively better things about other EU states compared to Britain, as well as, in my opinion, some subjectively better things too.
28 Jan 2008
Why would anyone want to live in Europe. ..?

There's a reason there all coming here you know.

All? There's about 500mil people living in the rest of EU. Last time I checked the population of UK is about 60m.

And just to be pedantic you live in Europe now and will continue to live in Europe in case of exit too. But that's a fact so it will get ignored. ;)
24 May 2014
Voted LEAVE a short while ago with a clear conscience.

Let's be allowed to trade with growing parts of the world as opposed to a sinking continent. Also I have no problem with QUALITY immigration but not eastern european stock. For every good doctor or lawyer we get from eastern europe we also get 3 scam artists or benefit leeches.

If i was a romanian/bulgarian child or family leader living there I WOULD WANT to come to britain for the benefits system.

Who wants to be part of any kind of family when there are no quality standards and everyone is allowed in?
12 Nov 2015
And picking remain due to fear of an uncertain future under brexit isn't yellow bellied. Fear is a necessary survival mechanism, it's fools who lack fear and they don't last long in the world.
21 Nov 2004
This type of relativism mixed with whataboutery is getting really, really old. No, both sides were not as bad as each other.

One side is fueled by nativism/xenophobia or traditionalism/empire melancholia, little to no facts, proven to be wrong statistics, little/no expert support and backed by a few fringe politicians. The other is fueled by risk aversion, much more accurate statistics, overwhelming expert support and it is backed by the whole bloody world.

Yes you can nitpick and find crazies on the Remain side too but generally speaking, it is the sane position no matter how you twist things.

The latter side only looks at the stats and does not consider the qualitative aspect. They only care about how much money the country is making rather than who is making it. Every vocal expert has a vested interest and does not represent the British everyman.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Just been to exercise my right, nay ... to do my duty and vote. Very busy at the polling station, queued for around 15 minutes - two youngsters in front of me weren't registered so weren't able to vote, shame for them. Believe it or not, I'd actually had a few jitters throughout the day about which way to vote, but as I got to polling desk and placed my deliberate, defiant and definite X in the Leave box I knew in my heart and my head that I'd done the right thing, and that if victorious, I had played my part in securing a bright future for my niece and nephew and all the other children of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
8 Oct 2008
In Lockdown England
I must need to work on my mind reading skills. Please accept my sincerest apologies for not already knowing your life story and asking a question.

Our experiences are clearly very different. I was just trying to figure out why you seem to hate everything about other European countries when there are objectively better things about other EU states compared to Britain, as well as, in my opinion, some subjectively better things too.

Accept that's your opinion, but I and the migrants flooding here disagree with you.

Why the word "hate" it always seems to come up with lefty slurs. I just love this Country, I want to make it better. I don't want uncontrolled visa free access. Our system is straining. The NHS needs more funding but Cam and chums will not allocate more. We need more schools , with good teachers. I want to do these things with the people who currently live here, for Britian itself. Take the best and most needed immigrants. Not just come on over.

Hope that clarifies things.
1 Jul 2009
Voted Remain.

If we leave and everything goes to ** Fully star out all swearing **I'll be making use of my dual British/French nationality by going to live in France.

At least France has better weather, better healthcare, better trains/motorways, better food, better workers rights etc etc, but apparently Europe is ** Fully Star out all swearing **
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