The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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how binding is this Referendum, lets say it a close call, and what ever side wins by say 54% to 46%. now as a fallout the government falls and we have a general election and the winning party get 70% of the vote by promising that they reverse the referendum vote. could they do it ?

Not legally binding at all, it would just be political suicide to ignore the result.
how binding is this Referendum, lets say it a close call, and what ever side wins by say 54% to 46%. now as a fallout the government falls and we have a general election and the winning party get 70% of the vote by promising that they reverse the referendum vote. could they do it ?

Even if it was 100% to 0% they can legally ignore it. It would be political suicide though.


I still believe that, for all the talk of a 'progressive EU', 'in it together' etc, If there had simply been the option of a Free trade deal with no legal or political power handed to brussels, that we'd have chosen that by a country mile.

Makes me laugh to see people here actually trying pretend that 'remainers', in the main, are voting for anything other economic concerns.

I won't call it project fear because there was basis in fact to a significant degree but this referendum, as with all others, will come down to financial security and/or the perceptions of what best protects us in that endeavour.
London is going to be overwhelmingly remain. Had to go up to North London earlier and there are literally swarms of remain campaigners and "IN" stickers around.
The referendum isn't legally binding at all - we're just trusting that MPs will respect the instruction given to them by the People in the event of a Leave vote. Funnily enough I do trust our MPs to do that - I wouldn't trust any EU institution to respect the result though.
So you'd rather be a technocracy, run by experts who the general public had no choice in choosing? A bit like China?

No, he wants a representative democracy.

What next, a referendum on everything? Let's have referendum on the construction and use regulations for steel structures! Yay democracy!

Or we could leave these decisions to the parliament we elect to represent us.
Watch the Midlands, Essex and the NE of Scotland (other bellwethers Cosimo, I believe, had posted in his info graphic; the media will repeat them too when they come up in the count). If these aren't close, it'll be a wipeout.
[TW]Fox;29675567 said:
No, he wants a representative democracy.

What next, a referendum on everything? Let's have referendum on the construction and use regulations for steel structures! Yay democracy!

Or we could leave these decisions to the parliament we elect to represent us.

Then we should elect actually useful people rather than ideologues.
[TW]Fox;29675567 said:
No, he wants a representative democracy.

What next, a referendum on everything? Let's have referendum on the construction and use regulations for steel structures! Yay democracy!

Or we could leave these decisions to the parliament we elect to represent us.

Would it be such a bad thing? The Swiss have a lot more referendums than we do - doesn't seem to do them any harm. No-one's holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to vote if they don't want to.
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