Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote? (New Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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LOL how does this work. If they pay little tax that's because they don't earn a lot, even with the benefits they still won't have a lot. However after paying for rent, food and bills they send lot of money home?

Black market, 'foreigner' jobs done for cash in hand. They will take any low paid job during the day to stay here legally and claim there benefits and work nights/weekends for cash in hand, untaxed. Often living 3-4 people plus in a single flat paying minimal rent.

Already posted this twice now n the last two pages, do you read the thread before posting?
Black market, 'foreigner' jobs done for cash in hand. They will take any low paid job during the day to stay here legally and claim there benefits and work nights/weekends for cash in hand, untaxed. Often living 3-4 people plus in a single flat paying minimal rent.

So you're upset they are taking the 'cash in hand, untaxed' jobs from the natives who did them before?
Rubbish, as has been previously said, there isn't a set number of jobs, jobs expand and are created when a population increases.

Take a Polish person coming over and starting up a hairdressers for example, her clients are likely to be other Polish to start with, so she hasn't taken anyone elses job just a new one has been created to meet the demand

There is more than just someone's income tax to define how economically active they are. They buy goods and services, that has VAT on it, the company they buy from sells more (because there are more customers) or new businesses open to meet new demands. These businesses then make more profits and pay more taxes.

I'm glad you used the word virtually, because they are not irrefutable, well only to people who want to see a small part of the overall picture to confirm their own bias

My Russian girlfriend doesn't go to a Russian hairdressers. There aren't many immigrants coming over to set up hairdressers unless you can provide statistics to show the opposite. The majority are labourers on minimum wage paying minimum tax. I already posted this info further up the page. Maybe you have reading issues too?

What you can not forget is that if there are 500,000 jobs and half are taken by immigrants, it's depriving 250,000 Brits from taking them. This means there are still 250,000 claiming unemployment benefit, while we have immigrants paying virtually zero tax and actually a net drain if they have a family and are claiming benefits.

It is undoubtably better for the economy of instead an unemployed Brit gets the job, removing them from unemployment benefit, (reducing overall tax payer to benefits cost) reducing the amount of money sent abroad directly. That Brit then has a higher income than they did on unemployment benefit and spends more generating more work and jobs in the economy.

By forgetting that for the majority of immigrants taking a job, there is someone on unemployment benefits so it's a double whammy of negativity against our economy. The opportunity cost is huge.
No I was answering your question about how they are able to send money home?

Well, for a start it wasn't my question...seems someone else might have reading issues too then ;)

Have you got any statistics on how many EU migrants work as labourers during the day then do unrecorded cash in hand jobs in the evening?
And I'm not really sure what the issue is about them sending money home, I'm sure that's more than offset by the millions of brits who work abroad and send their money back to blighty.....especially those ones working in Saudi Arabia ;)
Well, for a start it wasn't my question...seems someone else might have reading issues too then ;)

Have you got any statistics on how many EU migrants work as labourers during the day then do unrecorded cash in hand jobs in the evening?

The statistics aren't freely available p. But you can do your own research, pop onto my builder.co.uk and see for yourself. Do some first hand research it will give you the answers you need.
Why does this concern your particularly? We are not part of the Schengen passport free scheme, for starters. Just to cover your 'they'll all flood here' angle in advance.

Who said anything about all that crap? oh that's right you again.

There's another 500,000 coming to the EU by July with no passports or any official documents.
None of your laws mean a thing and never will to those in the EU that want gimmigrents.
I don't doubt that you can find studies which cite statistics that indicate no correlation between immigration and wage suppression in certain areas of the employment.

Conversely, it is also possible to find studies which conclude that immigration does impact employment prospects and or suppress wage growth.

I suspect that in either case, in many instances the methods used to gather,analyse and present the data promoting either narrative is tailored to suit the agenda of those funding the studies and/or the institutions undertaking them.

Is it? Let's see them.

Immigration is a get out of free card for those in government and allows them to avoid dealing with structural issues affecting our society; It helps plug labour gaps in essential services such as healthcare, with many of those come here accustomed to and willing to work for lower pay and living standards than people already living here. This is particularly evident down here in the South East. I recently had to spend some time in hospital, and very few of the nurses or auxiliaries who dealt with me were English. Although there is a national shortage of nursing staff in this country (in part caused by lack of training places), this is particularly acute here in the South East due to the wages of nurses being so poor in relation to living costs.

Back up your claims, anyone can write stories.

Large businesses also benefit from an open immigration policy. Increased demand for goods and services, and a more competitive labour market. More people competing for jobs, often willing to accept lower wages and/or living standards.

I've already shown you EU migration has not affected wages or living standards so stop parroting that line.

Last but not least, increasing the population by ~300,000 people per year with an inelastic housing supply drives up rents and house prices. This benefits banks, estate agents,landowners, landlords, and wealthier workers who own their own homes, but disadvantages and ultimately impoverishes those who don't.

If you are worried about overall migration, wouldn't it be a bit easier to start with the Africans and Asians which are less qualified and pay less in taxes than EU migrants?

Taking into account the net benefactors of the open door immigration policy/crisis, it is of no surprise that there is a wealth of statistics and analysis backing EU membership and the associated stance on immigration

Let me get this straight, most scientists and economists are part of a huge conspiracy and they 'adjust' their studies to make migration look beneficial. Tell me, are they in league with NASA and its fake Moon Landing or the Puerto Rican Government and Chupacabra? :rolleyes:
What you can not forget is that if there are 500,000 jobs and half are taken by immigrants, it's depriving 250,000 Brits from taking them.

No, it's not. Jobs are not a zero sum game. Economic activity creates jobs. More people doing jobs creates more jobs.

This is why increases in population do notresult in higher unemployment rates and why smaller countries don't have higher unemployment rates than larger countries. There's nothing special about immigrant labour in this regard.
Is it? Let's see them.

Back up your claims, anyone can write stories.

I've already shown you EU migration has not affected wages or living standards so stop parroting that line.

If you are worried about overall migration, wouldn't it be a bit easier to start with the Africans and Asians which are less qualified and pay less in taxes than EU migrants?

Let me get this straight, most scientists and economists are part of a huge conspiracy and they 'adjust' their studies to make migration look beneficial. Tell me, are they in league with NASA and its fake Moon Landing or the Puerto Rican Government and Chupacabra? :rolleyes:


""Theresa May, who is backing the campaign to remain in the EU, said: "Immigration at this level puts pressure on public services, on housing, on infrastructure… it can hold down wages and push British workers out of jobs."
The UK government disagrees with you ;)
You could look at the 1970's and what happened to the English when suddenly you had a vaste amount of sweet shops/corner shops and office license opened and run by newcomers to our isles.

Virtually every shop from that era of that type that were run by English natives went out of business, they could not compete with newcomers who were prepared to work 20 hours a day and had there children and family working in the shop as free labour as well.

It's all well and good saying good luck to them they earnt it, but is that the way of life we promote as a culture, I'd hope not

""Theresa May, who is backing the campaign to remain in the EU, said: "Immigration at this level puts pressure on public services, on housing, on infrastructure… it can hold down wages and push British workers out of jobs."
The UK government disagrees with you ;)

Funny how you believe what a politician says when it's something you want to hear ;)
It is undoubtably better for the economy of instead an unemployed Brit gets the job, removing them from unemployment benefit, (reducing overall tax payer to benefits cost) reducing the amount of money sent abroad directly. That Brit then has a higher income than they did on unemployment benefit and spends more generating more work and jobs in the economy.

By forgetting that for the majority of immigrants taking a job, there is someone on unemployment benefits so it's a double whammy of negativity against our economy. The opportunity cost is huge.

You are perpetuating that weird BNP myth of jobs being stollen - can you provide a reasonable scenario where an A8 immigrant from Eastern Europe could possibly "win" a job interview next to a line of native speakers with similar experience? How does that work exactly. How are these "immigrants taking a job", how are these jobs not given to the mythical "unemployed Brit" waiting in the same hallway?
You are perpetuating that weird BNP myth of jobs being stollen - can you provide a reasonable scenario where an A8 immigrant from Eastern Europe could possibly "win" a job interview next to a line of native speakers with similar experience? How does that work exactly. How are these "immigrants taking a job", how are these jobs not given to the mythical "unemployed Brit" waiting in the same hallway?
To be fair political correctness is causing some pressure and some weakness in companies to move towards hiring a more diverse set of people (migrants, women, blacks etc.) just based on peer pressure / cultural values rather than based on merit. Doubt it happens 24/7 or that we can peer into the minds of recruiters to force a guilty verdict but some companies have HR teams that are told to diversify for the sake of it or are influenced to feel that way of course.
Black market, 'foreigner' jobs done for cash in hand. They will take any low paid job during the day to stay here legally and claim there benefits and work nights/weekends for cash in hand, untaxed. Often living 3-4 people plus in a single flat paying minimal rent.

Already posted this twice now n the last two pages, do you read the thread before posting?

You mean the market that the natives (mostly) create in order to save few pounds.

BTW I myself am an eastern European migrant. Hmm though it seems I'm doing something wrong since I don't qualify to receive any benefits as I earn too much. I've been here for over 15 years and never received a penny in benefits, even whenever I was between the jobs I never ever went to job center. I own my own place and live on my own in 2 bed property, maybe I should rent my spare room to 5 guys just to keep you happy that all immigrants live like that.

Sure there are some that do that but vast majority do not. Heck I don't know anyone from my group of friends that lives like that, most actually own their own place.
To be fair political correctness is causing some pressure and some weakness in companies to move towards hiring a more diverse set of people (migrants, women, blacks etc.) just based on peer pressure / cultural values rather than based on merit. Doubt it happens 24/7 or that we can peer into the minds of recruiters to force a guilty verdict but some companies have HR teams that are told to diversify for the sake of it or are influenced to feel that way of course.

Right, so there is some sort of untold policy among recruiters to hire poorly speaking migrants with unverifiable education levels and skills, out of, I don't know, politeness or worse yet, PC conspiracy? Can we provide better explanation?
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