That's a bit of a mass generalisation isn't it? We enjoy living standards and wages which are significantly better than many parts of the world, and indeed many parts of Europe. It is of no surprise that people want to come and live here, either on a permanent basis, or temporarily to amass some money.
Even with the best will in the world, we do not have the infrastructure or housing to accommodate population growth at it's current level.
I'd be happy to remain in the EU if we were able to put an end to free movement, and then ultimately be in a position to hold our politicians to account with regard to non-EU immigration too.
I'm not completely against immigration, though am worried by where this may end, both from cultural and ecological perspectives. We can't have a continent or several countries worth of people concentrated in a small geographic region.
I do not meet any of the criteria defined in your ignorant and highly offensive post. I have a successful career (well within the higher rate tax bracket) and have friends from many different countries and backgrounds.
Being employed within a fairly specialist area, my career prospects and wages have not been impacted by immigration. I can however appreciate how mass immigration has undermined the prospects and wages of people employed in factory work, construction, plumbing, and electrical work etc.
Irrespective of the economic arguments put forward by our deceitful and lying politicans (look at how they've rigged the housing market and treated junior doctors for instance), I will be voting out.