EU is meant to be an economic union but it fails in this regard, I see it as that we are tied down to the weakest and poorest countries (such as bailing out greece)
- bailing out other countries
- mass immigration and freedom of movement causing unfettered immigration (which causes large costs in itself for housing, rehabilitation, extra policing etc. and ends up a nexus issue economically as it creates more costs)
- the cost of staying in the EU in the first place with yearly fee's
- lack of control on taxation forcing us to pay money back (
- Health tourism causing huge strains on the NHS
- Benefits from people claiming money for children and family outside the UK that we can't stop due to EU rules.
- obvious lack of control in other areas when setting laws which causes problems and slow down in tackling abuse cases as laws end up going back and forth on whether the EU will approve.
I don't feel it works for us all economically. Lets be honest, the reason business keep telling us to stay in the EU is because they want US to pay the bill for the migrants while they profit from the open market in EU. It's already been proven trickle down economics is a load of horse crap so when we have unfettered immigration, cost of NHS spiralling out control, more benefit claimants (migrants from poor countries have commonly proven to be the hardest to get into work as many struggle to learn our language or are happy to stay on benefits where they can claim for many children) etc. then businesses will promote the EU as an economic benefit but the average UK citizen will probably be worse off and suffer from higher taxes or our welfare state (protection for mentally disabled, benefits, NHS for poor people etc.) will have to get watered down and the service level put to crap with longer and costlier wait times etc.
So other than what I believe is a lack of real economic benefit for the government (companies might benefit but for all the reasons listed above I believe government and citizens won't benefit from EU and will end up worse off) we also end up with a lack of real democracy and sovereignity. It's appalling that brussels wants to rule us from on high without even understanding or giving two craps about how our country works. I've already given examples of how it's failing us on the NHS, it's failing us on our welfare systems (which is mainly to do with benefits but encompasses other parts like elderly care) and the one glove fits all approach has been heavily damaging to these welfare systems. The NHS will end up destroyed and our benefits system watered down to the point of uselessness or have tinkering on the level of the spare bedroom tax that will leave us worse off or in a bad situation. I've used benefits before I'll be honest, when I needed it and was young and lacked experience so it helped keep me afloat when I needed it, I respect that system a lot because I know it works but I feel it is under extreme strain and danger of collapsing by staying in the EU where we can't properly manage this sort of stuff due to random extra costs from things like health tourism but immigration is a nexus issue that bleeds into all these things and it is currently going unchecked.
Like a lot of EU's stupid ideas the schengen border is a ruinous failure, it's had no protection and liberal policies create an abysmal lack of contol which is taking months for the slow acting EU to fix. When all those people jumped into germany as well since Angela Merkel decided it was funny to let any amount in and then have to stop within a month because they mismanaged and under calculated again then they left near a million people open to free border travel within 3 years. They say we will be able to have a 'break' from migration but lets be honest, the amount it costs for us to house, educate, record, manage, create space for massive amounts of immigrants and then have the staff on hand to police and do other things we'll have only just got the money back before round 2 starts. Sweden is going to take 4 more years just to get rid of the migrants that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Mass migration is a farce, we lose lots to crime, gangs, prostitution and violence. If the examples of other countries aren't enough to make people open there eyes then they need to actually look at the world from the eyes of those who are living it right now
And when the crime and strange activity of disappearing migrants begins then how will it be handled? Well we've already seen that the other countries with political correctness gone mad have essentially stopped policing crime from migrants and refuse to deal with a lot of the crimes mentioned in links I've posted but the UK has also shown already that we would get the same treatment or does the recent rape scandals in rotherham, rochdale, sheffield etc. get forgotten as quickly as they appeared?
When some are treat above the law and migrants are not being properly taken to account like the example above it destroys community cohesion, it breeds racists and racist violence that we don't want in our country, it harms the ability of real migrants to avoid racism and distrust and we get gangs like in Sweden.
As other videos have shown though, the lack of proper policinfg, the failure to manage migration, the lack of fairness in how locals are treated for even voicing there opinions
it's what will happen here and it's already been proven as we have huge cut backs to the police already, we have scandals which prove a soft touch to migrants, we have forced immigration on a mass scale which we know creates poor standards of integration. The EU mixed with our current political correctness gone mad society is a recipe for disaster as we already have crap like sharia courts causing confusing messages as to social cohesion despite having no legal precedent in UK law.
I'm sorry but the EU is going to be an economic disaster for the UK due to the reasons listed above (our welfare system doesn't work with unfettered migration and abuse cases of countries sending welfare back to hundreds of kids), that's not even counting the bad taxation, bad control on laws (the slower a country can act to remove abuse cases the more it has time to be abused), lack of sovereignity / democracy which will ruin our ability to make personal and country specific decisions that would benefit us, terrible forced migration etc. So economically it's terrible, democratically it's terrible, community cohesion and protection wise it's terrible.
I'll feel sorry for the other EU countries that wanted us to stay in but I'll be honest, I think the EU is a farce and I don't know how we can't negotiate better trade deals with other people without having so many unelected bureaucratic dictators trying to ruin everything good about the UK from on high. I always believe voting in the best interest of the majority rather than just myself so if my examples of how it won't benefit the UK citizens (higher taxes when businesses don't pay for migrations / NHS / Benefits issues), how it won't benefit democracy across europe (it'll poison democracy and leave all of Europe in the hands of unelected bureaucrats with a one glove fits all approach that spares no love for our history as the EU project aims to wipe that out and provide a singular EU style of living), how it won't benefit even the migrants we are forced to take in (the tensions and racism from unfettered migration along with lack of proper policing when migrants commit crimes creating racism and lack of cohesion for the real migrants never mind those that go missing to gangs / child prostitution) then I will be honest in stating that I believe that if we stay in the EU that it will end with a bang and riots and more parties like the SNP and UKIP having to wrestle away political correctness gone mad beating us over the head while being smothered with a unelected and none democratic approach that will leave entire regions with a huge lack of confidence and respect for how we could sleep walk into such a state. It will go bang, as soon as the next economic collapse happens and we've been culturally destroyed, institutionally bankrupted, democratically robbed and then have no money to show for it there will be riots. There will be more scandals and corruption uncovered about extra protection for migrants etc. that will make our blood boil. Even if that doesn't happen so I'm not going to arrogantly proclaim I know the future, I've already provided many examples of how it will still happen on a smaller scale even if not a huge thing but I feel the EU will break down eventually. People want democracy, they want accountability, they want respect and the EU clearly shows very little of that and even if we don't get riots over the lack of democracy then we'll be tied down to the poorest countries of europe and as they have to handle migration issues then we'll see greece bail outs repeated time and again for smaller countries like romania and whatnot.
The EU aims to protect the entire region, in other words we're being dragged down and ripped apart to prop up other countries as if our aid budget wasn't enough. I think the EU is one giant farce and the politicians must be getting bribes to think it's so brilliant, it's been a disaster and I'm voting out. To convince me the EU is a benefit economically you'd have to charter up the cost of everything I stated which is often one of those things pro EU messages will ignore. They'll cost a few bits up but not everything, how can they account for migration they always consistently underestimate or NHS costs they cannot predict? It's utter horse radish that some believe blindly that the open market accommodates every single one of these costs and leaves us far better off too. HOW CAN THEY? When the EU lies and tells us migrants didn't even cause the cologne sex attacks
How can they factor in cost of extra policing for example when they don't even acknowledge it despite wide and commonly reported quotes from the police themselves stating it was a majority of migrants who caused the issue. We won't be economically better off when you factor in the next wave of migration is meant to be even larger and the EU is failing to even pay turkey (who I hate Erdogan but at the moment he's the one stopping them flooding us)
2 and a half months later EU can't even give the billions we promised to try and stem the flow (which by all accounts has already been acknowledged to have not stemmed the flow as much as we wanted anyway). The extra costs aren't stuff you will find in the 'books' which balance the cost of the EU but they are real world costs we face by being in the EU.
TL: DR EU is a farce economically, culturally, politically and everything they try seems to fail or not be managed properly. Sorry if this isn't laid out in the super best way or some bits are a bit heavy sounding or droning, my laptop touchpad caused my message to be deleted at least 4 times trying to type it. It's difficult to stay concise and accurate on the 5th attempt / revision while remembering what you said, which bits were lost etc. So please pretend I wrote this far more eloquently than I did