Well, this is something i thought i'd never see! A completely civil conversation between George Galloway and Nigel Farage!
Damn.. I was just about to post that !!
Well, this is something i thought i'd never see! A completely civil conversation between George Galloway and Nigel Farage!
It looks like the Germans think they can rule Europe, think again you German kraut.
I seem to recall that we buy more from Europe than we sell them. They are unlikely to want a trade war.
I have no real opinion on Europe but with the recent, utterly bizarre and completely counter-effective new proposals regarding firearms (both live and deactivated) I can only vote to leave.
(The proposals wish to ban all ownership of certain types of deactivated weapon and bring in new, crazily stringent methods of deactivation for existing 'deacs'. Both measures with aid criminal and terrorist groups immensely! I can describe it all further if anyone's interested.)
It looks like the Germans think they can rule Europe, think again you German kraut.
I'm interested
What has Arron Banks funding the "Leave EU" group got to do with Tories overspending the legal maximum (by a considerably amount) permitted for an election campaign ?
Leave EU is a pressure group.
datalol-jack said:Is there money in politics? Yes. Is some of it linked directly to vested interests? Of course. Does it increasingly mirror the American model? Yes. Is it desirable? No! Is the EU to blame for this state of affairs? Erm... no!
Zethor, we can and are capable of operating trade elsewhere. If there is any unfairness from the EU we could take them to that other corrupt organization the WTO.
If the UK leaves, maybe other nations will follow suit. The Yes to EU campaign is funded by the bankers.... That is all the evidence any sagacious person should need to know to vote no.
Greece had its debt hidden by Goldman Sachs prior to joining and now 90% of all bailout money goes not to the people but yep you guessed it... The banks!
Can you use your head for one second? You want all the advantages of EU trade but no disadvantages whatsoever? Why would anyone in the EU accept it? Trade would take a serious hit in the event of an exit, there's no debate about it, the UK sells mainly services and those can be sold by others in the EU. Since you xenophobes are so eager to leave, do you also have a plan on covering the costs, other than "Don't worry about it, we used to be an empire!"?.
Are we? Then why are we not doing that trade NOW? Where will you sell the services Britain sells once the French and Germans start looking elsewhere? Australia, the country with a population slightly higher than Romania? China, which has a dramatically different culture and needs? Again, what is preventing us from taking advantage of those opportunities now?
you people live under rocks? The world's economy is slipping back into recession, China is tanking as are Brazil, Russia or Japan. Uncertainity is growing so what do you want to do? More uncertainity, more unknowns and for what? You can't stand a bunch of Eastern European plumbers or car washers, you can't see the difference between today's reality and nationalistic delusions of English grandeur?
whole thing is bat **** crazy. And yes, bankers are against the exit because they can't make money on broke people.
Recessions are manufactured... The true definition is when the super rich (people and corporations) are losing money or not making any money. In the same way an economic slowdown is where the super rich aren't earning as much as they had hoped.