Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote? (New Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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All these stories coming out of Europe which are negative towards Cameron's non-deal are of course totally stage-managed and always happen in these type of things.

It's all building up to Thursday/Friday when Cameron will tell us he's facing formidable opposition and the deal is going to be very difficult.
Then we'll hear how he's battling through the Thursday, then we'll be told the summit should finish but Cameron has forced them to go the extra mile.
Then we'll be told how Cameron battled through the night and has got a remarkable deal which will presented as a fantastic achievment against overwhelming odds.

But of course it's all crap as he asked for nothing and even the nothing was watered to down to less than nothing.

Yet I still think the British public will vote to stay in as they're largely ignorant and will fall for spin, lies and delusion.

Every time someone says this I think it is a very dangerous plan. It plays directly to our fears and belief that we have a very little voice in the EU and they are executing their plan with tunnel vision.
Breitbart in meaningless headline scaring numbers shocker

Perish the thought! Looks like it's working though and reeling in the mouth-breathers hook, line and sinker :o

In my area crimes are on rise due to our foreign friends. That's a fact.

Do we have a link to back-up that 'Fact' or just some anecdotal evidence to look over with my coffee this morning?
Absolute numbers are meaningless though without context of % of the population, what the crimes were etc

You can talk stats until you're blue in the face, the fact is an extra 700 crimes are committed everyday because we choose to let these people in. 700 victims that shouldn't have been made victims.

What are you saying, that it's so small we might as well let them in and the crime committed is a small increase? Come on freakyboy :rolleyes:
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Polish & Romanians have an approx population of 700,000 in the UK which is 0.01% of the population and they are reported to have committed 17,000 of the crimes, so 0.0025% of the total, which works out at 1 crime committed per 41 people....seems they are generically less criminal then the rest of the population :p

I'm sure that's a great consolation to this guy and his family.
You can talk stats until you're blue in the face, the fact is an extra 700 crimes are committed everyday because we choose to let these people in. 700 victims that shouldn't have been made victims.

What are you saying, that it's so small we might as well let them in and the crime committed is a small increase? Come on freakyboy :rolleyes:

Mental gymnastics.
Perish the thought! Looks like it's working though and reeling in the mouth-breathers hook, line and sinker :o

Do we have a link to back-up that 'Fact' or just some anecdotal evidence to look over with my coffee this morning?

My brother in law is a copper. I hear it all the time from him and his mates. That good enough for you?
robgmun said:
700 crimes are committed everyday

No, not even Breitbart claims that. They never included a daily figure, since making that up would push even their flimsy editorial policy too far. The overall crime rates, even under the new recording standard, have fallen by 8%!

"REPORT: Over 700 UK Crimes A Week Are Committed By EU Migrants"

"The bulk of the convictions involved Polish and Romanian migrants who accounted for almost 17,000 offences.
Migration restrictions on citizens from Romania and Bulgaria were lifted in 2014. Lithuanians were convicted of 6,249 offences"


Another good reason to leave this **** they call the EU

To add to what Freakbro said (though I think at a glance he may need to double check his multiplication in some places) ;), we are still talking about close to the realms of rounding error.

Note the article does not specify two important things: the source of Leave.EU figures and categories of crime; it also commits a typical journo fail of taking a statistic and evenly dividing their headline figure into 52 weeks of the year. Which is of course both misleading and wrong. If they don't have weekly figures at hand, they shouldn't assume them or make them up on the spot. I lol at the link they post to the 'source' which just takes you the Leave.eu landing page -- fail!:o

Now, taking a look at the ONS data for England & Wales (thus being even more generous by including more population and more crimes) up to June 2015... we find that out of Poles + Romanian migrant population we get a grand stonking ratio of... wait for it... wait for it... 0.57% of all recorded crime!!! Jesus wept, we're doomed... doomed, I tell you! Send them all back! :D Again, if we assume as Breitbart does that all crime distributed uniformly across E&W, say per council region, (which again would be the high tide of incompetency) the ratio basically vanishes. :\

Plus what media hates to account for when they attack whole demographics, is how police counts crimes, and what constitutes an offence serious enough for the Home Office to deport someone.

Serious criminals are prosecuted, and are deported as per our standard protocol. When they flee to or from Europe, we have the European arrest warrant and a continent-wide police service + our resources to track them down, and make their life very difficult indeed.

robgmun said:
Well they're behaving so extremely left wing to the point they're making China look centralist!

Tbf, Rob, under what I gather is your definition of the left, Thatcher would be classed as a Cuban guerilla fighter in the swinging sixties. :p
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Tell that to the 700 daily victims of crime that shouldn't be happening, It's stunning you decided to look at numbers instead of the human element and see the damage from the victims point of view

Well then the same can be said for the victims of crime of UK Born citizens?

Your mental gymnastics would lead us to:
We shouldn't allow people to have children who are from the UK as they commit more crime in total.

Of course one crime is one too many, no it doesn't allow you to ignore the statistics and just appeal to raw emotion. ONLY in the direction you want people to vote.
Well then the same can be said for the victims of crime of UK Born citizens?

Your mental gymnastics would lead us to:
We shouldn't allow people to have children who are from the UK as they commit more crime in total.

Of course one crime is one too many, no it doesn't allow you to ignore the statistics and just appeal to raw emotion. ONLY in the direction you want people to vote.

Your missing the point. If they wasn't allowed in to the UK then the crimes wouldn't have happened.

It's easy ...really it is.
One crime done by a EU immigrant is to many. So your another apologist.
I would love you to say all that to the parents of Alice Gross.

Should we deport every native Brit in our prison, if so where? Why should we have one set of laws for our home-grown criminals and another for European ones?

Honestly, explain to me how your zero tolerance policing would work in the UK and Europe at large.
Your missing the point. If they wasn't allowed in to the UK then the crimes wouldn't have happened.

It's easy ...really it is.

And if we didn't have children there would be no new criminals.
Argument based on pure emotions with no logic behind them are silly.

Proportionally the migrants are committing less crime, if we replace them with UK citizens we actually have a greater number of victims, remember 1 victim is 1 too many so you should now support migration?

Well that's emotional arguments for you, obviously IMO the case for and against migration is a good deal more complex than clickbait headlines.
Your missing the point. If they wasn't allowed in to the UK then the crimes wouldn't have happened.

It's easy ...really it is.

If native criminals weren't born... they would not commit crimes. Are you a fan of genetically screening poor people ala old-school eugenics for criminal characteristics too?

The world isn't perfect. All people are capable of making mistakes -- that's why we have laws -- I know shocker!
Should we deport every native Brit in our prison, if so where? Why should we have one set of laws for our home-grown criminals and another for European ones?

Uhm - because one set of criminals are British criminals, and the other set are foreign criminals.
Should we deport every native Brit in our prison, if so where? Why should we have one set of laws for our home-grown criminals and another for European ones?

Honestly, explain to me how your zero tolerance policing would work in the UK and Europe at large.

Trying to twist things AGAIN. If we leave the EU then we don't need new laws. Get it? And I never mentioned changing laws you did.
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