Pretty annoyed about the letterbox and 30fps lock to be honest. I preordered this and I'm seriously considering cancelling it.
Don't be annoyed as PC is getting the devconsole commands from Bethesda to unlock FPS & remove those black letterboxes!Pretty annoyed about the letterbox and 30fps lock to be honest. I preordered this and I'm seriously considering cancelling it.
I saw the controller press A to continue in them LOL so everyone needs to have the letterboxes right!!Hmmm I see. I've just watched the latest gameplay videos and I see no "elements" in the letterboxes. The only time something is in them is when the game is loading the next level. The console footage shown is also full of jaggies and stutters many times.
I've ordered the physical copy of course with the DLC and Amazon CD so if it does turn out to be poor at least I can maybe return it or sell it on for minimal loss.
New trailer.....
Looks pretty damn good to me... very resident evil like which is a great thing.
I think the answer is obvious. PC is the only true nextgen gaming experience & always will be but as they have consoles to sell those who do not want to run a gaming PC they have to pander to the console platform holders but I think PC gaming is growing a lot recently so its becoming real hard for them to tell such blatant porkiesI did lol at Bethesdas excuse for locking the fps to 30 and then releasing another update to say the PC version can be unlocked.
I know nothing about the PR world but why do companies insist on shovelling us this **** and expect us to believe it? Just be honest for once in your lives and say due to the lack of optimisation or the limited console hardware we could not squeeze out a steady 60fps on the consoles. However the PC is not locked as it can reach higher fps.
Done, wasn't so hard was it, but no they soldier on making these nonsense excuses and even say the fps can be unlocked but it's not recommended! As though the better fps is going to somehow break the game. Tools.
Don't be annoyed as PC is getting the devconsole commands from Bethesda to unlock FPS & remove those black letterboxes!
I just pre-ordered the game on the rain forrest, but they don't send me the key until the game launches.
How dare they do that!
Not sure whether to get this on pc or ps4 anyone else have the same options as me?
I do not think this game needs 30FPS personally as long as they allow the unlock on the black letterbox I am not bothered.Will it break the game though by doing it? Other bethesda games really don't like being run faster than they have been designed, such as skyrim when you run over 75 fps as it breaks the physics in the game completely. Its preloaded on steam though so I'll soon find out...