Just had a read through of this thread, mainly the OP's posts.
It sure does put things into perspective, what seems like a big deal in my life isn't a drop in the ocean compared to what you have been through. It's such a shame that you and your kids have been put through all of this. But I am very happy to see how things have turned out for you. While I'm sure it's still an uphill struggle each and every day, being a single father of four plus your health problems, at least you do have your kids with you knowing they are safe and looked after well.
The donations that have been made are amazing, nearly £1000 donated by a handful of members is fantastic, goes to show what a fantastic community this forum has at heart.
I just hope you and your kids have the most amazing Christmas ever, and I hope that it carries on improving for you in the future.
Absolutely no doubt Leon deserves MOH2013.