I caved, went to buy the current episodes, found that no where outside of the US seems to be showing this, I believe SyFy have the rights in the UK and the rights have been bought by Legendary I believe.
So being a huge fan of the books already, I had to acquire the episodes and very glad I did, it is awesome. I'm obviously biased mind you, but I'm really enjoying the series. The books are much better but they've done a good job so far Eps 1-5 that I've seen.
Everthing feels right, actors, environment, vfx etc.
So being a huge fan of the books already, I had to acquire the episodes and very glad I did, it is awesome. I'm obviously biased mind you, but I'm really enjoying the series. The books are much better but they've done a good job so far Eps 1-5 that I've seen.
Everthing feels right, actors, environment, vfx etc.